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Multimedia Programming
Lecturer: Prof. Hußmann, Tutorials: Bettina Conradi
Hours per week: 2 (Lecture) + 3 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 4 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
- 06.10. Second exam will be an oral exam on monday, 18.10.2010. Please contact Bettina Conradi if you want an appointment.
- 23.08. Second exam on wednesday, October 13th 2010, 2-5 pm. Please register until October 11th, 10 am, in Uniworx.
- 02.08. Searching of exam: Monday, 23.08.2010 2-3 p.m., Amalienstr. 17, 5th floor, Room A506
- 02.08. Results for the exam are now online in Uniworx.
- 16.07. Solutions for textual exercises are now online.
- 15.07. Examples for the exam and summary are now online.
- 15.07. Don't forget to register for the exam (Deadline: 16.07.2010 10 a.m.)!
- 15.07. Additional tutorial for the exam will be on friday, 16.07., 2 - 4 p.m. in the CIP-pool.
- 13.07. Tutorial for the exam will be on thursday, 15.07., 12 - 2 p.m. in the CIP-pool.
- 06.07. Update of exercise 9 is now online. You can now balance your jokers or bonus points with this exercise.
- 05.07. There will be no further tutorials.
- 05.07. The next exercise (bonus) is now online.
- 16.06. The next lecture on 21.06.2010 is cancelled
- 14.06. Exercise 7 is now online
- 08.06. Update of example solution 5 is now online
- 07.06. Exercise 6 is now online
- 31.05. Exercise 5 is now online
- 31.05. Advices and help with the exercises from tutors will now only be available on Wednesdays.
- 31.05. The tutorial on thursday, 03.06.2010 is cancelled due to Fronleichnam. Please attend another tutorial.
- 18.05. Date of the exam is 20.07.2010 4-6 p.m.
- 18.05. The lecture and tutorial in the week from 24.05. - 28.05.10 is cancelled.
- 10.05. The tutorial on thursday, 13.05.2010 is cancelled due to Christi Himmelfahrt. Please attend another tutorial.
- 10.05. Exercise 3 is now online
- 03.05. Exercise 2 is now online
- 26.04. Exercise 1 is now online
- 22.04. Tutorials start on Monday, April 26th.
- 19.04. Registration for tutorials in Uniworx starts from 20.04.2010 20:00h until 26.04.2010 20:00h.
- 17.04. The lecture on 19.04.2010 is cancelled. Due to flight problems Prof. Hußmann is not able to hold the lecture. The first lecture will be on 26.04.2010.
- 30.03. Registration for the lecture is now open in Uniworx.
Dates and Locations
Lecture: Monday 10-12
Location: Hauptgebäude, A 213 - Tutorial:
Uhrzeit Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag 09:00 - 10:00 Übung Anna 10:00 - 11:00 Übung Anna Übung Niels 11:00 - 12:00 Übung Niels 12:00 - 14:00 Progr.beratung Übung Charlotte 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 18:00 Übung Bettina
Location: Amalienstraße 17, CIP-Raum
Die Vorlesung stellt grundlegende Techniken und Programmierschnittstellen zur Entwicklung von Multimedia-Anwendungen vor. Behandelt werden Grafik-, Sound-, 3D-, und Multimediaschnittstellen.
Die Übungen werden mit unterschiedlichen Frameworks, Sprachen etc. durchgeführt werden. Darunter z.B. Python und Java FX.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese Lehrveranstaltung unterscheidet sich deutlich von den gleichnamigen Veranstaltungen vorhergehender Jahre! Die Übungen werden das Autorenwerkzeug Flash nicht verwenden. Die SWS-Zahl ist geringer als in den Vorjahren (Übungen 3-stündig statt 4-stündig). Ein umfangreiches Flash-Projektpraktikum (ähnlich zu den Übungen der Vorjahre) wird zusätzlich als Blockpraktikum Multimedia-Programmierung angeboten.
Die Lehrveranstaltung eignet sich für
- Studierende der Diplomstudiengänge Medieninformatik oder Informatik im Hauptstudium. Erwartete Vorkenntnisse: Vordiplom in Medieninformatik oder Informatik.
- Studierende des Bachelor-Nebenfachstudiengangs Medieninformatik im Hauptfach Kunst und Multimedia (Pflichtveranstaltung im 4. Fachsemester als Teil des Moduls Multimedia-Praxis)
- Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Medieninformatik oder Informatik als "vertiefendes Thema" (siehe Informationen zu Bachelor Informatik und Medieninformatik)
To participate at the lecture, a registration using Uniworx is required. Everyone can join this lecture. The registration will be closed once we reached the maximum capacity for this lecture.
Slides and podcast of lecture are available.
The podcast (in German) can be subscribed to from iTunes. Please open video preview/item artwork view!
Datum | Thema der Vorlesung | Skript | Audio |
26.04.2010 | General Topics, Introduction to Python/Pygame | Ch1(a) | Audio1a |
03.05.2010 | Other Multimedia Development Platforms: Overview | Ch1(b) | Audio1b (techn. Probleme) |
10.05.2010 | Challenges in Multimedia Programming | Ch2 | Audio2 |
17.05.2010 | Programming with Images | Ch3 | Audio3 |
31.05.2010 | Programming with Animations, Part 1 | Ch4(a) | Audio4a |
07.06.2010 | Programming with Animations, Part 2 | Ch4(b) | Audio4b |
14.06.2010 | Programming with Sound | Ch5 | Audio5 |
28.06.2010 | Programming with Video Software Engineering Techniques, Part 1 |
Ch6 Ch7(a) |
Audio6 Audio7a |
05.07.2010 | Software Engineering Techniques, Part 2 | Ch7(b) | Audio7b |
12.07.2010 | Development Process for MUltimedia Projects | Ch8 | Audio8 |
The concepts introduced in the lecture are practiced with concrete examples. The three hours per weak are based on two hours tutorial and the time spent for solving the weekly tasks.
Criteria for diploma students: Doing the homework decides whether a student will pass the class. Each homework (two exceptions) has to be successfully submitted. This means that each of those need to be passed with at least 50% of the available points.
Criteria for bachelor students: No prerequisites exist for writing the exam. Students can earn one bonus point for the exam for each homework with at least 75% of the availabe points.
Blatt Nr. | Thema | Abgabedatum | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 1 | Einführung in Python | 03.05.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 2 | Einführung in Pygame | 10.05.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | ||
Blatt 3 | Einführung in JavaFX | 17.05.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | ||
Blatt 4 | JavaFX-Songplayer | 31.05.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 5 | Animation in Pygame | 07.06.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 6 | Sprites | 14.06.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 7 (update) | Animation und Sound | 28.06.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 8 | Zustandsautomat | 05.07.2010 10:00Uhr | Folien | Materialien | |
Blatt 9 (update) | Bonusblatt | 19.07.2010 10:00Uhr | Materialien | ||
Fragestunde zur Klausur | Folien | Mindmap |
Registering for the Tutorial
A registration is required for participating at the tutorials. Registration starts Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 20:00. First come, first served.
To register, use Uniworx with your CIP Account.
- Date: Tuesday, July 20 2010, 4-6 p.m.
- Deadline for registration: Friday, July 16 2010, 10 a.m.
- Place: Hauptgebäude, Raum M105
- Searching of exam: Monday, 23.08.2010 2-3 p.m., Amalienstr. 17, 5th floor, Room A506
- Print all lecture slides and bring them with you.
- Bring a calculator with you.
- Mobile phones, laptops and any other communication technologies are strictly forbidden. Leave them at home.
- student id card required
- Real (!!) identification document required (e.g. ID card or passport)
Exam 2
- Date: Monday, October 18 2010
- Deadline for registration: Thursday, September 30 2010, 10 a.m.
- Place: Amalienstr.17, 5th floor