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Lecture Digital Media

Tutorials: Hanna Schneider
Hours per week: 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: P8: Digitale Medien (für Bachelor Medieninformatik)
- News
- Notification on News
- Dates and Locations
- Contents
- Lecture
- Podcast
- Tutorial
- Hinweise zur Klausur
- Hinweise zur Nachholklausur
- 14.04.2015 The grades of the retry exam have been published in Uniworx. You have the possibility to review the exam on Tuesday 5.5.14. If you want to do so, please register in Uniworx until 1.05.14 (--> Klausur --> Einsicht Wiederholungsklausur).
- 18.02.2015 The exam grades have been published in Uniworx. You have the possibility to review the exam on Friday 20.2. If you want to do so, please register in Uniworx --> Klausur --> Einsicht.
- 26.01.2015 The date of the retry exam is now fixed: It will take place on 8.04.15 from 12:00 - 14:00.
- 16.01.2015 On January 23, a selective repetition of materials is possible, if topics are mentioned to Prof. Hußmann by email.
- 15.01.2015 A really nice solution of our photo editing exercise (sheet 10, exercise 4)
- 30.12.2014 We extended the deadline for exercise sheet 10 again: please submit your solutions until 30.12.2015, 13:00.
- 22.12.2014 We extended the deadline for exercise sheet 10 until the 30.12.2015. Merry christmas and thanks for your participation on
- 19.12.2014 You can now register for the exam on the 4.02.15 on UniWorX
- 17.12.2014 Exercise 11 (on JavaScript and DOM) will be online on the platform on the 2.01.2015. As always, you will then have two weeks - until 16.01.2015 - to solve the exercise.
- 24.11.2014 Starting next Friday with exercise sheet 8 we will use the online platform for the exercises that accompany this lecture. Please create an account and participate in the survey. Thank you very much.
- 23.10.2014 Tomorrow (24.10) we will use Backstage for the first time - a Digital Backchannel for Large Class Lectures.
- 13.10.2014 The exam will take place on 4.02.2015 from 10:00 - 12:00.
- 08.10.2014 Follow @DM_WS1415 for updates on our lecture, tutorials and exercises.
- 06.10.2014 The first lecture will be on Friday, 10.10.2014 (first week of the winter term).
- 06.10.2014 Registration for the tutorials will open on 10.10.2014 at 13:00
- 06.10.2014 Registration via UniWorX is now open
Notification on News
Current information updates on lecture and tutorials are also distributed through Twitter.Follow @DM_WS1415
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Dates: Friday 10-1 a.m.
Locaction: Schellingstr. 3, Room S 003 - Tutorial:
Registration for tutorials during first week of the lecturing period through the UniWorx system!
Group 01: Monday 8-10 a.m.
Group 02: Monday 10-12 a.m.
Group 03: Monday 12-2 p.m.
Group 04: Monday 2-4 p.m.
Group 05: Wednesday 8-10 a.m.
Group 06: Wednesday 10-12 a.m.
Group 07: Wednesday 12-2 p.m.
Group 08: Thursday 8-10 a.m.
Group 09: Thursday 10-12 a.m.
Group 10: Friday 2-4 p.m.
Group 11: Friday 4-6 p.m.
Group 12: Friday 6-8 p.m.
Location: Amalienstr. 17, A 001 (CIP-Pool) - Exam:
Dates: 4.02.15, 10:00 - 12:00
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Rooms B 101, B 201 and A 240
Further details - Retry Exam:
Dates: 8.04.15, 12-14 Uhr
Location: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Hörsäle B 101, B 201
Further details
The lecture gives an introductory overview on the most important basic knowledge for the realization of digital media, covering technical topics as well as topics from perceptual psychology. There are no prerequisites in terms of programming skills or computer science knowledge. The lecture touches a quite broad spectrum of different disciplines (mathematics, physics, telecommunications, medicine). The lecture is the basis for the lecture "Media Technology" which goes into deeper Detail of technology and design aspects. It also provides the basis for more specialized courses on multimedia-related topics.
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics (Bachelor)
- Studierende Medieninformatik (Bachelor Nebenfach), insbesondere Kunst und Multimedia
Date | Subject | Slides | Podcast | Examples |
10.10.14 | Einführung | dm1.pdf | | |
17.10.14 | Digitale Codierung, Verlustfreie Kompression Teil a | dm2a.pdf | | |
24.10.14 | Verlustfreie Kompression Teil b | dm2b.pdf | | |
Zeichen und Schrift Teil a | dm3a.pdf | | ||
30.10.14 | Zeichen und Schrift Teil b | dm3b.pdf | | |
07.11.14 | Zeichen und Schrift Teil c | dm3c.pdf | | |
Grundlagen Signalverarbeitung | dm4.pdf | | ||
14.11.14 | (Fortsetzung Grundl. Signalverarbeitung) | | ||
Audio Teil a (Grundlagen, MPEG-Audio) | dm5a.pdf | | ||
21.11.14 | Audio Teil b (Kompression, Formate, Synthese) | dm5b.pdf | | MIDI Beispiel |
28.11.14 | Bilder Teil a (Grundlagen, verlustfreie Formate) | dm6a.pdf | | |
05.12.14 | Bilder Teil b (JPEG-Kompression) | dm6b.pdf | | DCT Applet |
Bewegtbilder (u.a. MPEG-Kompression) | dm7.pdf | |||
12.12.14 | Web-Skriptsprachen (JavaScript) | dm8.pdf | | |
19.12.14 | Web-Dokumentsprachen (XML) | dm9.pdf | | |
09.01.15 | Vektorgrafik mit SVG | dm10.pdf | | |
16.01.15 | Weitere Bild- und Bewegtbildformate | dm11.pdf | | |
23.01.15 | Fragestunde zur Wiederholung | Themen nach Bedarf, u.a.: DCT, Subsampling, Aliasing |
-- | -- |
30.01.15 | entfällt! |
Slides and podcast of lecture are available.Tutorial
The content discussed in the lecture is exercised in practical applications. Practical skills in dealing with compression methods and media document formats shall be achieved. Starting with exercise sheet 8 we use the online platform for the exercises that accompany this lecture.
Sheet number | Topic | Deadline | slides | materials |
1 | Zahlensysteme, ASCII | 24.10.2014 | Slides | - |
2 | Lauflängen-, Huffman- und Arithmetische Codierung | 31.10.2014 | Slides | - |
3 | LZW, Digitalisierung | 7.11.2014 | Slides | - |
4 | LZW-Decodierung, Speicherplatzbedarf | 14.11.2014 | Slides | - |
5 | HTML | 21.11.2014 | Slides | - |
6 | Pfadangaben, CSS | 28.11.2014 | Slides | Materialien |
7 | Signalverarbeitung, Audio | 5.12.2014 | Slides | Materialien |
8 | Übungsplattform: Audioformate | 12.12.2014 | Slides | Materialien |
9 | Übungsplattform: Bilddateien | 19.12.2014 | Slides | Materialien |
10 | Übungsplattform: Ortsfrequenz, Videokompression, Chroma-Subsampling, Bildbearbeitung | 30.12.2014 | Slides | Materialien |
11 | Übungsplattform: JavaScript und DOM | 16.01.2015 | Slides | Materialien |
12 | Übungsplattform: XML | 23.01.2015 | Slides | |
13 | Übungsplattform: SVG | 30.01.2015 | Slides |
Hinweise zur Klausur
- Date: 4.02.15, 10:00 - 12:00
- Deadline for registration: 30.01.15, 11:00
- The registration is possible via Uniworx
- Melden Sie sich nur zur Klausur an, wenn Sie auch wirklich teilnehmen werden! Sollten Sie sich nach Ihrer Anmeldung noch entscheiden, doch nicht teilzunehmen, melden Sie sich bitte wieder via Uniworx ab.
- Rooms (lastname)
- A-K: B101
- L-Ta: B201
- Th-Z: A240
- Print all lecture slides and bring them with you.
- Bring a calculator with you.
- Mobile phones, laptops and any other communication technologies are strictly forbidden. Leave them at home.
- student id card required
- Real (!!) identification document required (e.g. ID card or passport)
Hinweise zur Nachholklausur
- Date: 8.04.15, 12-14 Uhr
- Deadline for registration: Mi 01.04.2015, 14:00
- The registration is possible via Uniworx
- Melden Sie sich nur zur Klausur an, wenn Sie auch wirklich teilnehmen werden! Sollten Sie sich nach Ihrer Anmeldung noch entscheiden, doch nicht teilzunehmen, melden Sie sich bitte wieder via Uniworx ab.
- Rooms (lastname)
- A-L: B101
- M-Z: B201
- Print all lecture slides and bring them with you.
- Bring a calculator with you.
- Mobile phones, laptops and any other communication technologies are strictly forbidden. Leave them at home.
- student id card required
- Real (!!) identification document required (e.g. ID card or passport)