WS2425 WS2324 WS2223 WS2122 WS2021 WS1920 WS1819 WS1718 WS1617 WS1516 WS1415 WS1314
Introduction into programming with minor subject media informatics

Tutorials:Valerie Holmeier, Martin Plötz, Michael Kirsch
Hours per week: 3 hours lecture, 2 hours tutorial
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: P 1.1, P 1.2
- 02/16/15: The results of the exam are now available at Uniworx. The post-exam review will take place on Tuesday, 02/24/15 between 1pm - 2pm in Amalienstraße 17, Room A506.
- 01/27/15: Attention: today's lecture is cancelled. The last tutorial will take place on Friday, 01/30/15 at 10 a.m.. There, the last exercise sheet 12 will be discussed and it is the last opportunity to ask questions about subjects of the lecture. There will be no further meetings in the next week!
- 01/19/15: The exercise 11 has been updated.
- 01/13/15: The exam will take place on February 10, 2015, 12:30 - 14 p.m. Registration via Uniworx.
- 12/15/14: The lecture on 12-23-14 is cancelled. In the next year, the first lecture will be held on 01-13-15. For the next tutorials on 12-19-14 and 12-22-14 we are planning to give you a revision. Please prepare some questions on topics you are uncertain.
- 12/15/14: Attention: The tutorial on Monday 4-6 p.m. is cancelled for today!
- 12/12/14: We would like to present you remarkable solutions of the exercise "Adventskalender" (Downloadable via Exercise 08 - Materials). Merry Christmas!
- 11/28/14:
Room changes: The lecture will be transfered to N0152, TU München, Theresienstraße 92 from 12/02/14
- 11/18/14:
The tutorial on 12/01/14 will take place from 2 - 4 p.m.
- 10/27/14:
The lecture on 11/04/14 will be cancelled.
- 10/13/14:
The tutorials will start on 10/17/14.
Attention: The first two tutorials on friday, 10-12 am, will be held at CIP-Pool Gobi! - 10/07/14: The dates for this lecture are now fixed.
- Note: Further information will follow soon
Dates and Locations
Date: Tuesday 1-3 p.m.
Location: Room N0152, TU München, Theresienstraße 92 (starting from 12-2-14) - Tutorial:
- 1.Group: Friday, 10-12 a.m.
Location: Oettingenstr. 67, CIP-Pool Kalahari - 2.Group: Monday, 4-6 p.m.
Locaion: Oettingenstr. 67, CIP-Pool Kalahari
- 1.Group: Friday, 10-12 a.m.
- Exam:
Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 12:30 - 14 p.m.
Location: Theresienstr. 39, Room B 005
Registration via Uniworx
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students with minor subject Media Informatics (Bachelor)
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist ein Spezialangebot für die Nebenfachstudierenden der Medieninformatik im ersten Semester. Sie wird als gleichwertig zu der in der Prüfungsordnung vorgesehenen Lehrveranstaltung "Einführung in die Informatik: Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung" anerkannt. Studierenden steht es frei, welche der beiden Varianten sie besuchen. Zu der hier beschriebenen Lehrveranstaltung sind nur die Nebenfachstudierenden (mit Hauptfach Kunst und Multimedia oder Pädagogik) zugelassen, es handelt sich also um eine kleine persönlich bekannte Gruppe. Der Vorlesungsanteil wird von einer Absolventin des Studiengangs Kunst und Multimedia präsentiert; die Übungen sind besonders praxisorientiert und finden direkt am Rechner statt.
Date | Subject | Slides | Materials |
10/07/14 | Introduction | Slides | - |
10/14/14 | Algorithms, Data Structures and Syntax | Slides | - |
10/21/14 | Assignments, Main Method and Comments | Slides | - |
10/28/14 | Return Values, Case Analysis and Loops | Slides | - |
11/04/14 | cancelled | - | - |
11/11/14 | Arrays | Slides | - |
11/18/14 | Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) | Slides | - |
11/25/14 | Classes and Objects | Slides | - |
12/02/14 | Revision | - | - |
12/09/14 | Inheritance | Slides | - |
12/16/14 | Inheritance and Interfaces | - | |
01/13/15 | UML | Slides | - |
01/20/15 | Errors and Exceptions | Slides | - |
Die in der Vorlesung besprochenen Inhalte werden anhand von praktischen Anwendungen eingeübt.
Number | Exercise sheet | Deadline | Slides | Materials |
01 | Aufgaben | 24.10 | Slides | - |
02 | Aufgaben | 31.10 | Slides | - |
03 | Aufgaben | 07.11 | Slides | - |
04 | Aufgaben | 14.11 | Slides | - |
05 | Aufgaben | 21.11 | - | - |
06 | Aufgaben | 28.11 | Slides | - |
07 | Aufgaben | 05.12 | Slides | |
08 | Aufgaben | 12.12 | Slides | Adventskalender1.jar, Adventskalender2.jar, Adventskalender3.jar, |
09 | Aufgaben | 19.12 | - | - |
10 | Aufgaben | 09.01 | - | - |
11 | Aufgaben | 23.01 | Slides | - |
12 | Aufgaben | 30.01 | Slides | |