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Lecture Digital Media
Password: Huffman2024
Tutorials: Bettina Eska und Henrike Weingärtner
Contact us only via dm(at)
Hours per week: 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Module: P2 (BA MI PStO 2022); P2 (BA MI-NF PStO 2022)
The lecture gives an introductory overview on the most important basic knowledge for the realization of digital media, covering technical topics as well as topics from perceptual psychology. There are no prerequisites in terms of computer science knowledge beyond what is taught in parallel courses. The lecture touches a quite broad spectrum of different disciplines (mathematics, physics, telecommunications, medicine). The lecture is the basis for the lecture "Media Technology" which goes into deeper detail of technology and design aspects. It also provides the basis for more specialized courses on multimedia-related topics.
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Date and time: 18.10.2024 from 10 - 13 o'clock c.t.
Location: Schellingstr 3 (S), S 004 - Tutorial:
Gruppe Date Raum Gruppe 01 Mo 8-10 Uhr c.t. Theresienstr 39 B040 Gruppe 02 Mo 10-12 Uhr c.t Theresienstr 39 B040 Gruppe 03 Mi 8-10 Uhr c.t. Cip Gobi Oettingenstr. 67 Gruppe 04 Mi 10-12 Uhr c.t. Cip Gobi Oettingenstr. 67 Gruppe 05 Fr 8-10 Uhr c.t. HGB D Z001 Gruppe 06 Fr 14-16 Uhr c.t. HGB D Z001
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics (Bachelor)
- Students of Media Informatics (Bachelor Minor)
The lecture course is not suitable as "Vertiefendes Thema" for Informatics students.
The "Digital Media" exam will take place as a written exam in presence.
Course Material
The materials for this course will be provided via Moodle.
To gain access to the online materials, please register in Moodle with your Campus ID. The registration key is "Huffman2024".