WS2425 WS2324 WS2223 WS2122 WS2021 WS1920 WS1819 WS1718 WS1617 WS1516 WS1415 WS1314 WS1213 WS1112 WS1011 WS0910 WS0809 WS0708 WS0607 WS0506 WS0405 SS04 SS03
Lecture Digital Media

Tutorials: Christina Schneegass und Sarah Aragon Bartsch
Contact us only via dm(at)
Hours per week: 3 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Modul: P8: Digitale Medien (für Bachelor-Hauptfach Medieninformatik)
P1.3 und P1.4: Digitale Medien (für Bachelor-Nebenfach Medieninformatik)
- 11.09.2020 Make up exam digital media from the winter term 2019/2020 is now possible! We are now able to offer you the possibility to participate in a make up exam for Digital Media on Tuesday, October 20th, 2020, from 10-12. The exam will take place in room B1010 in the LMU main building (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1), requiring physical presence! All further information can be found in the section Make up Exam below.
- 18.03.2020 Due to the current restrictions the make up exam for digital media (scheduled for April 8th) will not take place . At the moment, we have no information regarding an alternative date.
- 12.03.2020 The exam review is postponed due to COVID-19 and the teaching restrictions at LMU. The final exam results will not be forwarded to the examination office until you were able to review your exam. If it's time-critical for anyone of you to receive her/his grades, please contact us via e-Mail (dm(at) We do not know yet if the make up exam will be affected by the teaching restriction and will update you regularly on that matter. Any news and updates will be communicated via the Moodle forum and the website.
- 10.03.2020 The results of the main exam are visible in Uni2Work. If you want to review your exam, you can do so on tuesday March 17th, 2020. To participate, please select a timeslot in the poll on the Moodle course page. Please bring a valid passport or ID card for identification.
- 25.02.2020 The registration for the make up exam is now open until April 5th, 11:55pm, via Uni2Work. The results of the main exam will be published in time before the registration period for the make up exam ends.
- 17.02.2020 The make up exam will take place on April 8th, 2020 from 2-4pm at LMU main building (room A140). The registration for the exam will be opened soon via Uni2Work.
- 24.10.2019 Due to the holiday, the lecture on November 1st will be cancelled. Furthermore, there will be no tutorials in the week from November 4th-8th (except for the repetition of the tutorial from October 28th, which will take place on Monday November 4th from 12-2pm). The tutorials will start again on a regular basis from November 11th on.
- 09.01.2020 The registration for the final exam is now open. Please register via Uni2Work until Feb 16th, 12:59pm. You can also revoke your registration until Feb 16st, 12:59pm.
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Dates: Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Schellingstr. 3 (S), S001
- Tutorial:
Registration for tutorials from October 18th till 20th through Moodle!
Group 1: Monday 12 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Group 2: Monday 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Group 3: Wednesday 10 a.m. - 12 a.m.
Group 4: Wednesday 12 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Ort: Amalienstr. 17, A 001 (CIP-Pool)
Die Klausur im Fach "Digitale Medien" findet am Dienstag, den 18.02.2020, von 16-18 Uhr im LMU Hauptgebäude (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1) im Raum B 101 statt. Die Klausur ist "Open Book", d.h. Sie dürfen gedruckte und handschriftliche Unterlagen sowie einen nicht programmierbaren Taschenrechner mitbringen.
Make up Exam
Die Nachholklausur findet am Dienstag, den 20.10.2020, von 10-12 Uhr im LMU Hauptgebäude (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1) statt. Die Nachholklausur ist ebenfals "Open Book", d.h. Sie dürfen gedruckte und handschriftliche Unterlagen sowie einen nicht programmierbaren Taschenrechner mitbringen. Der Raum ist B 101. Die Anmeldung ist ab heute (11.09.) 19 Uhr bis zum 11. Oktober 23:55 über Uni2WorX möglich. Die Abmeldung ist bis zum 20.Oktober 23:55 möglich.
The lecture gives an introductory overview on the most important basic knowledge for the realization of digital media, covering technical topics as well as topics from perceptual psychology. There are no prerequisites in terms of programming skills or computer science knowledge. The lecture touches a quite broad spectrum of different disciplines (mathematics, physics, telecommunications, medicine). The lecture is the basis for the lecture "Media Technology" which goes into deeper Detail of technology and design aspects. It also provides the basis for more specialized courses on multimedia-related topics.
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of Media Informatics and "Art and Multimedia" (Bachelor)
- Students of Media Informatics (Bachelor Minor)
The lecture course is not suitable as "Vertiefendes Thema" for Informatics students.
Course Material
The course material is accessible via Moodle. You can use your campus account to login and use the course key presented in the lecture to enroll for "Digitale Medien WS19/20". You can register for the exam via Uni2Work.