Lecture Intelligent User Interfaces
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt, Dr. Yuanting LiuTutorials: Jakob Karolus, Sarah Theres Völkel, Malin Eiband
Hours per week: 2 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS credits: 6
Language: Englisch
Module: Vertiefende Themen für Master Medieninformatik, Informatik und MCI
Capacity: max. 40
Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Date: Wed, 12-14
Location: Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, Raum M 109 - Tutorial:
Date: Mon, 16-18
Location: Frauenlobstr. 7a, Raum 257 - Exam:
Date: Mi, 4th of March 2020, 2pm s.t.
Location: Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1, A 140
Closed-book exam; no aids permitted.
There will be no second exam! -
- 22.06.2020: We will offer the opportunity for a second exam (Wiederholungsklausur) for IUI. The format will be a structured online oral exam. Initially, we have the following dates available: 9., 22., and 31. July (08:00 - 18:00). Please refer to the uni2work course for all the details. In case you do not have access to the course and want to take part in the exam, please contact us as soon as possible.
- 04.02.2020: Registration for the exam is now available via Uni2Work.
- 14.01.2020: Schedule for the upcoming tutorials:
20.01.: presentation on updated status of Ex3
27.01.: office hours and Ubiaction. You are cordially invited and may present some of your work as well.
03.02.: exam preparation with sample questions. - 09.12.2019: All upcoming tutorial slots will be held at Frauenlobstr. 7a (room 257).
- 29.11.2019: Updates on upcoming course events: Tutorial (02.12.) in room 257 (Frauenlobstr. 7a); Lecture (04.12.) as usual; Tutorial (09.12.) room 257 (Frauenlobstr. 7a); Lecture (11.12.) in room 357 (Frauenlobstr. 7a)
- 20.10.2019: For the first tutorial (21st of October), we will be using Anaconda for the hands-on exercises. Please make sure to install Anaconda (Python 3.7 Version) before the tutorial.
- 04.10.2019: Course registration will be available through uni2work. Registration will be open after the first lecture. The access key will be announced in the first lecture as well.
The module Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) looks at current topics within the intersection of human computer interaction and machine learning. The course focuses on the adaptation of techniques originating from machine learning and artificial intelligence for practical applications within the research area of human computer interaction. Topics include (tentative):- Voice User Interfaces
- Natural Language Processing
- Recommender Systems
- Explainability of Intelligent Systems
- Physiologically-Based Interfaces
- ...
Students are expected to create their own intelligent system (in groups of four) over the course of the semester and present intermediate milestones throughout the tutorials. These include short concept presentations: explain how a new aspect as presented in the lecture integrates into your system; and milestone presentations a week later that showcase the implementation. This cycle repeats bi-weekly. Tutorials will also be used to introduce lecture topics in the form of hands-on exercises.Tasks
- Attend all classroom events (lectures AND tutorials)
- Presentation of concepts and milestones for the project
- Final project presentation
- Exam
- Human Computer Interaction
- Machine Learning, e.g. Machine Learning course
Lecture slides
Date Subject Slides podcast Oct 16 Intro, Organization IUI_ws19_01_intro.pdf IUI_ws19_01_intro Oct 23 Voice UI, lecture IUI_ws19_02_voice.pdf IUI_ws19_02_voice.m4v Oct 30 VUI guest talk
Nicholas CumminsAffective Computing N/A Nov 06 Text and Natural Language Processing (1) NLP (1), updated Jan 08 IUI_ws19_NLP-01 Nov 13 Text and Natural Language Processing (2) NLP (2), updated Jan 08 IUI_ws19_NLP-02 Nov 20 Recommender systems, Adaptive UIs Recommender systems, Adaptive UIs (TBA) IUI_ws19_recomm_systems Nov 27 Deceptive UI IUI_ws19_05_deceptive.pdf IUI_ws19_05_deceptive.m4v Dez 04 Smart Objects (1) Smart Objects (1) IUI_ws19_smart_objects_01 Dez 11 ThingOS tutorial see exercises N/A Dez 18 Guest talk
Stefanie MuellerPersonal Fabrication N/A Jan 08 Smart Objects (2) Smart Objects (2) IUI_ws19_smart_objects_02 Jan 15 Intervention User Interfaces and Automotive IUIs (guest talk by Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl) Automotive IUIs (pptx with videos) TBA Jan 22 Guest talks by
Florian Alt
Yomna Abdelrahman
Intelligent Usable Security
Ubiquitous Sensing TechnologiesN/A Jan 29 Guest talk by Malin Eiband Interpretability of Machine Learning N/A Feb 05 Final presentation of student projects N/A N/A Exercises
Date Topic Material Exercise Sheet Due date 21.10. Machine Learning Intro lab resources
lab solutionEx0 28.10. 16:00 28.10. VUIs Intro Literature
Slides TutorialEx1 Ex1: Concept: 04.11. 16:00
Impl.: 11.11. 16:0018.11. NLP Intro Slides Tutorial
Lab Resources
Lab SolutionEx2 (updated 29.11.) Ex2: Concept: 02.12. 16:00
Impl.: 09.12. 16:0025.11. Emotion Intro Slides Tutorial
Lab Resources
Lab Solution11.12. Smart objects Intro Literature
ThingOS Hub Getting StartedEx3 Ex3: Concept: 16.12. 16:00
Impl.: 13.01. 16:0006.02. Smart objects Intro Literature
ThingOS Hub Getting StartedEx3 Ex3: Concept: 16.12. 16:00
Impl.: 13.01. 16:0006.02. Final Presentation Ex4 Ex4: Presentation, Video, and Implementation: 06.02., 11am 04.02. Exam Preparation Slides Tutorial