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Design Workshop 1
Contact person for organizational topics: Linda Hirsch
Hours per week: 4
ECTS credits: 6
Time:9.45-11.15 a.m.
Time:1-3 p.m.
Designworkshop 1 (für Master MCI)
- 6.04.2020:
The course is hold in english and takes place completely virtually this semester.
Änderungen wegen aktueller Pandemie
Auf Grund der aktuellen Situation, sind wir gerade dabei das Kursformat zu einem online Angebot umzuwandeln. Wir bittenn um euer Verständnis. Bei Rückfragen meldet euch bitte bei den jeweiligen Kontaktpersonen.
02.02.2020: Die Veranstaltung "ID 1 Grundlagen (Industrial Design 1)" (Vorlesung + Übung) wird von der TUM angeboten und als Design Workshop 1 für Master-Studierende im MCI-Master anerkannt Die Platzvergabe für dieses Praktikum erfolgt über die Zentralanmeldung per Uni2Work
Exam (Basics in industrial design)
The lecture series provides a general overview of the scopes of activity of industrial design, as well as the basic theoretical knowledge and the sequence of the creative process in the context of product and service design. Starting from the role of design in the 21st century, we will briefly look back at historical developments and then introducing terms like corporate design, corporate identity, new functionalism, universal design, design entrepreneurship and transition design. These terms are permanently examined in a psychological, sociological and philosophical context. How do you build up a product identity that can be continuously developed despite the rapid changes in the markets and in society? What role does design play in this process, and how do you bring the identity of a product and its image into line? Building on this, terms such as product language (form follows function), product semantics and product quality are explained and analyzed by showing examples. In summary, the ability to classify and evaluate products should be learned. In addition, students should develop a feeling for the importance of the formal design of products and be able to convey essential aspects, concepts and topics of product identity and the designers responsibility in terms of planetary guard rails. After participating in the module, students are able to: - understand and apply tasks of industrial design - understand the scopes of activity and the associated design tasks - understand and apply essential aspects, terms and topics of product identity - understand and apply design processes in the context of product and service development - understand the importance of social and environmental impacts - analyze and evaluate products both historically and formally relevant material: Otl Aicher: The world as design DOI:10.1002/9783433605851 Bernhard Bürdek: Design: history, theory and practice of product design DOI:10.1007/9783764376819 IDEO: Designkit Ellen MacArthur Foundation: Circular Design Guide Roberto Verganti: Design Thinking for business Richard Buchanan: Design Research and the new learning
Exam (Arts in Mediadesign)
Für Prüfungsdetails beachten Sie bitte die Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung.