Renate Häuslschmid
renate.haeuslschmid ät | |
Phone | +49-89 / 2180-75126 |
Address | Renate Häuslschmid University of Munich (LMU) Department Media Informatics Human-Computer Interaction Group Frauenlobstr. 7a 80337 Munich, Germany |
Room | 449 (4th floor) |
Research Interests
Windshield Displays
- use cases for windshield displays
- information visualization on windshield displays
- display technology for windshield displays
- driver and car2car communuication
- Autonomous Driving
Visual Perception
- peripheral perception
- depth perception
- subliminal perception
- Windshield Displays
- Head-Up Displays
- peripheral and ambient display
- autostereoscopic displays
- displays integrated in motorcycle helmets
2021 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Ceenu George, Renate Häuslschmid, Heinrich Hussmann
On Ubiquitous Technology, a Digital World and their Influence on People's Feeling and Control of Presence in Everyday Life To appear in CHI '21 EA: Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA 2021) (bib) |
2020 | |
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Sarah Theres Völkel, Renate Häuslschmid, Anna Werner, Heinrich Hussmann, Andreas Butz
How to Trick AI: Users' Strategies for Protecting Themselves from Automatic Personality Assessment Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20'), ACM, New York, NY, USA (bib) |
2019 | |
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Nađa Terzimehić, Renate Häuslschmid, Heinrich Hussmann, m.c. schraefel
A Review & Analysis of Mindfulness Research in HCI: Framing Current Lines of Research and Future Opportunities In CHI '19: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019) (bib) |
2018 | |
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Sarah Theres Völkel, Julia Graefe, Ramona Schödel, Renate Häuslschmid, Clemens Stachl, Jiew-Quay Au, Heinrich Hussmann
I Drive My Car and My States Drive Me: Visualizing Driver's Emotional and Physical States In AutomotiveUI '18: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. Toronto, ON, Canada. September 23 - 25, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
2017 | |
Renate Häuslschmid, Christopher Klaus, Andreas Butz
Presenting Information on the Driver's Demand on a Head-Up Display In: Bernhaupt R., Dalvi G., Joshi A., K. Balkrishan D., O'Neill J., Winckler M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017. INTERACT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10514. Springer, Cham, DOI: (bib) |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Susanne Forster, Katharina Vierheilig, Daniel Buschek, Andreas Butz
Recognition of Text and Shapes on a Large-Sized Head-Up Display In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 821-831. DOI: (bib) |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Max von Buelow, Bastian Pfleging, Andreas Butz
Supporting Trust in Autonomous Driving In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 319-329. DOI: (bib) |
Renate Häuslschmid, Bastian Pfleging, Andreas Butz
The Influence of Non-Driving-Related Tasks on the Driver's Resources and Performance In: Gerrit Meixner, Christian Müller (Eds.): Automotive User Interfaces: Creating Interactive Experiences in the Car, Part of the series Human-Computer Interaction Series, Part III, pp. 215-247, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-49447-0, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-49448-7, ISSN: 1571-5035, DOI: (bib) |
2016 | |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Yixin Shou, John O'Donovan, Gary Burnett, Andreas Butz
First Steps towards a View Management Concept for Large-sized Head-up Displays with Continuous Depth In Automotive UI '17: In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (Automotive UI '16), Ann Arbor, USA, October 24 - 26, 2016, ACM, New York, NY, USA. . (bib) |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Bastian Pfleging, Florian Alt
A Design Space to Support the Development of Windshield Applications for the Car In CHI '16: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. San Jose, CA, USA, May 7 - 12, 2016. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5076-5091. ACM 978-1-4503-3362-7, DOI: (bib) |
2015 | |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Laura Schnurr, Julie Wagner, Andreas Butz
Contact-analog Warnings on Windshield Displays promote Monitoring the Road Scene In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (Automotive UI '15), Nottingham, UK, September 1-3, 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2799250.2799274 (bib) |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Yixin Shou
Towards a Placement Strategy for Windshield Displays In Workshop on Adaptive Ambient In-Vehicle Displays and Interactions, Automotive UI '15, Nottingham, UK, September 1-3, 2015. |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Sven Osterwald, Lang Marcus, Andreas Butz
Augmenting the Drivers View with Peripheral Information on a Windshield Display In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 29 - April 01, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3306-1 (bib) |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Ben Menrad, Andreas Butz
Freehand vs. Micro Gestures in the Car: Driving Performance and User Experience In 2015 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), Arles, France, March 23-24, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/3DUI.2015.7131749 (bib) |
2014 | |
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Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alina Hang, Doris Hausen, Renate Häuslschmid, Axel Hoesl, Felix Lauber, Sebastian Loehmann, Henri Palleis, Bernhard Slawik, Simon Stusak, Sarah Tausch, Andreas Butz, Heinrich Hussmann
Secondary Tasks Media Informatics Advanced Seminar, Winter Term 2013/2014 (bib) |
2013 | |
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Renate Häuslschmid, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Klaus Bengler
Graphic toolkit for adaptive layouts in in-vehicle user interfaces In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (Automotive UI '13), Eindhoven, Netherlands, October 27-30, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2478-6 (bib) |
Practical courses
Vacant practical courses
Derzeit sind alle Themen vergeben.Bachelor's and Master's Theses
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In Progress
Christopher Klaus , Bachelor Thesis | |
Evaluierung der Benutzbarkeit von blick- und tastengesteuerter Interaktion zur Anzeige von Informationen auf einem Head-Up-Display | |
Benjamin Fritzsche , Master Thesis | |
Ein Head-Up Display im Motorradhelm: Beeinflussung des Fahrverhaltens und der Fahrerbeanspruchung | |
Julia Klose , Master Thesis | |
Die Windschutzscheibe als Display: Einfluss von Bilddistanz und Anzeigegrösse auf die Tiefenwahrnehmung | |
Max von Bülow , Master Thesis | |
Entwicklung eines Anzeigekonzepts zur Förderung von Vertrauen in vollautomatisiertes Fahren | |
Inga Brehm , Master Thesis | |
Driver2Driver Communication. Wie Informationen über andere Verkehrsteilnehmer die Emotion und das Fahrverhalten beeinflussen | |
Susanne Forster (Universität Regensburg) , Master Thesis | |
Windshield Displays: Untersuchung des Einflusses von visuellen Eigenschaften einer Information und äusseren Bedingungen auf die Wahrnehmung und das Reaktionsverhalten von Autofahrern | |
Yixin Shou , Master Thesis | |
Windshield Displays: Context-Aware Information Placement | |
Jana Gerstberger , Master Thesis | |
Die Windschutzscheibe als Display: Beeinflussung des Fahrverhaltens | |
Laura Schnurr , Master Thesis | |
Windshield Displays: Vergleich von fahrzeug- und weltstabilisierten Gefahrenhinweisen zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit | |
Patrick Nagel (Hochschule Coburg) , Bachelor Thesis | |
Die Windschutzscheibe als Display: Optimierung eines autostereoskopen Displays zur Erzeugung kontaktanaloger Darstellungen | |
Filip Tolj (Hochschule München) , Bachelor Thesis | |
Die Windschutzscheibe als Display: Entwicklung einer Finger-Pointing-Gestenerkennung | |
Katharina Vierheilig , Master Thesis | |
Windshield Displays: Visuelle Richtlinien zur Darstellung von Informationen auf dem kontaktanalogen Display | |
Sven Osterwald , Master Thesis | |
Windshield Display: Applications for a full-size Head-Up Display | |
Marcus Lang , Master Thesis | |
Windshield Displays: Analyse und Entwicklung von Anzeigekonzepten | |
Benjamin Menrad (Universität Regensburg) , Bachelor Thesis | |
Aktueller Stand und Anwendungsfälle der Gestensteuerung im Fahrzeug |