UX and Connect Course for Ukrainian Refugees
Lecturer: PD Dr.habil. Alexander Wiethoff, Beat Rossmy
Sarah Voelkel
Tutorials and Organization: Linda Hirsch, Cara Storath
Hours per week: 2.5 Lecture and Tutorials
ECTS credits: n.a.
Module: UX, AI and Creative Coding
Dates and Locations
- Lecture and Tutorials:
Date: Mondays 16-18:30 p.m. - first day 02.05.2022
Location: Frauenlobstrasse 7a Room: 357 Google Maps
- 11.04.2022: Apply to the course via Google Forms
Course Description
We offer a User Experience Design (UX) / Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) introduction program at LMU Munich to refugees from Ukraine. Our goal is to provide participants with new learnings, socialization, and diversion at one of the leading universities in Germany. The setup and structure of the course program is module-based and offers an easy walk-in/walk-out structure as participants can take part in individual sessions. Participants who attend a complete module (usually three sessions per topic) will receive a certificate from the LMU Munich. The course is hands-on and focuses on practice with a mix of theory and mini-prototyping sessions. All people from Ukraine are welcome and no prior knowledge of the course subjects is required.
The lecture course is suitable for people from the Ukrain who want to extend their skillset and connect with other people
Reading List
Literature for Self Studies:
- Houde and Hill: What do Prototypes Prototype ? PDF Link
- Mike Kuniavsky: Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research PDF Link
- Mark Weiser: The Computer for the 21st Century PDF Link
- Bill Moggridge: Designing Interactions Videos und Buch
- Bill Buxton: Sketching User Experiences PDF Link
- Saul Greenberg: Sketching User Experiences - The Workbook Website
- Yvonne Rogers: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction Buch Kapitel
- Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is The Massage PDF Link
- German UPA Qualitaetsstandard fuer Usability Engineering PDF Link
- Design Council London: Design methods for developing services Link
- Interview with Jane Fulton Suri: Question Everything PDF Link
- NN Group: UX Research Cheat Sheet Link
- Eva Hornecker: Getting a grip on tangible interaction PDF Link
- Common Industry Format for Usability Test Reports PDF Link