Lecture: Engineering for Human Factors
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt, Dr. Jakob Karolus
In charge: Markus Wieland, Francesco Chiossi
Hours per week: 2 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS-Credits: 6
Modul: Elective course (Vertiefende Themen) for Masters Media Informatics, Informatics and Human-Computer Interaction
Language: English
Exam: Friday 05.08. 14-16 h Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (A), A 140This lecture series will be held as a flipped classroom. Students are expected to watch the pre-recorded video lectures prior to attending a weekly interactive class. The interactive class will provide students with the opportunity to ask questions and clarify aspects of the lecture that were unclear. The Introduction talk will be held in hybrid format and it will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 27th of April at 12:15 -14.15 and in Geschwister Scholl Platz 1 - Room M110. On 11.05. we will continue with the classroom lectures and discuss the topics Understanding EHF and Understanding Systems (on 04.05. no classroom lecture - only watch the recorded video). The first exercise session will take place on 29.04. via Zoom.
Engineering refers to the creative application of scientific and mathematical principles to design systems that serve practical purposes. How can we engineer systems that are mindful of the humans that use them? This course addresses human factors that are relevant to the design of products, processes, systems, and whole environments. It is based on the belief that systems that are designed for human factors can result in more effective, safer, and more satisfactory user interactions. In this course, students will learn how principles for user-centered design are derived from theory and empirical research from three areas of specialization: (1) cognitive: perception, memory, reasoning, decision making (2) physical: anthropometric, physiological, and biomechanical (3) social: organizational structure, teamwork, work designTopics:
- 27.04. Introduction (Hybrid format. Zoom: https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/98482941352?pwd=UzJCb2tjU3UyeG9KMmF5ZEZUOXZYUT09)
- 04.05. Understanding EHF
- 11.05. Understanding Systems
- 18.05. Task Analysis
- 25.05. Choosing Systems & Perception (Visual)
- 01.06. Perception (Audition)
- 08.06. Cognition
- 15.06. Decision Making
- 22.06. Displays and Controls
- 06.07. Stress and Workload
- 13.07. Anthropometry, Workspace Design, Physical Work
- 20.07. Trends in Interactive Systems
- 27.07. Q&A
Dates and Times
- Lecture: Wednesdays from 12 to 14 h c.t. Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (M), M 110
- Exercises: Fridays from 14 to 16 h c.t. Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1 (D), D Z003
- Good English skills; Teaching will be in English; Exam questions and course work can be answered in German
- Course of study: Media informatics (Master), Human-Computer-Interaction (Master), Informatics (Master)