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Seminar Personal and social competencies
Lecturer: Christoph BurkhardtTutorials: Doris Hausen (nur organisatorische Fragen)
Hours per week: 3
ECTS credits: 6
Module: P 4.3: Seminar Personal and social competencies (for Master Media Informatics)
- 25.02.2013 - 01.03.2013 10-17 Uhr (Oettingenstraße 67 - Room 161)
Als Leistungsnachweis gilt die aktive Teilnahme am Seminar sowie die Umsetzung einer Hausaufgabe.Contents
Based on insights from the cognitive sciences and psychology this seminar provides students with an understanding of the way human beings think and interact. Going from there personal and social competencies will be further developed on an individual basis guided by the following questions:
How do successful people in all fields organize the things they have to do?
Why do some people enjoy going to the gym and others don't?
Why do most time management tools fail?
Why do some people just get along with everyone and others don't?
Why is there always someone in the team who is less committed than the rest?
Why do people make bad decisions?
What makes a great leader?
What makes an influential speaker?
How do we know what we want?
And how do we get there?
This seminar and workshop does not only provide answers to these questions. It also aims at providing participants with an understanding of their own individual cognitive structure and a set of tools to make use of the incredible capacities our brain has to offer. Furthermore, topics of the workshop range from communication skills, presenting ideas, creative thinking, group dynamics and leadership to self organization, self confidence and effective goal setting.
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Media informatics students (Master)
Die Anmeldung für das Seminar findet vom 07.01.2013 9 Uhr bis 04.02.2013 9 Uhr über UniWorX statt. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 Teilnehmer beschränkt. Studierende der Medieninformatik (Master) in höheren Semestern haben bei der Teilnehmerauswahl den Vorrang. Sollten sich mehr als 20 Teilnehmer anmelden bekommen erst alle Bewerber im höchsten Mastersemester einen Platz, dann im nächst höchsten usw. In der letzten Gruppe werden die Plätze nach first come, first served verteilt.
Date | Subject | Slides |