![[Foto von Daniel Ullrich]](daniel_ullrich.jpg)
Daniel Ullrich
daniel.ullrich ät ifi.lmu.de | |
Phone | +49-89/2180-75131 |
Fax | +49-89/2180-4652 |
Address | Daniel Ullrich LMU Munich Media Informatics Group Frauenlobstr. 7a 80337 München Germany |
Room | 456 (4th floor) |
Focus of Research
Human-Robot-Interaction & Social Robots
Intuitive Interaction
Experience Design
UX Evaluation & Usability Testing
Research Methods & Statistics
Industry research and consulting projects
Allianz AG, User research and UX evaluation (NDA), 2016
BSH GmbH, Design & UX of Social Robots (NDA), 2015
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, design of a future working environment for air traffic control, 2012
Siemens AG, building technologies, UX evaluation and user interface design consultancy, 2012
Siemens AG, UX consultancy (NDA), 2010
Empolis GmbH, User interface evaluation and re-design, user research, 2009
Teaching & Courses
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Media Informatics
Lecture "User Experience II", project seminar "Experience design", lecture and seminar "Human-Computer Interaction", seminar "research methods"
Darmstadt University of Technology, Psychology
Teaching: Project seminar "Human-Computer Interaction", project seminar "Psychology and new media", project seminar " Collaborative Advanced Design Project ", seminar "Usability methods", seminar "introduction to product design", seminar and exercise "multivariate research methods", seminar and exercise "research methods and data analysis with SPSS", seminar "linear models", seminar "current topics in social psychology", seminar "Homo Oeconomicus", seminar "communication psychology"
Bachelor, Master, Project and Diploma Theses
Open Topics
Please contact me for open topics or propositions.
(all current topics revolve around the domain of human robot interaction.)
Also check here: open topics
2023 | |
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Lara Christoforakos, Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
(Un)learning Reflection with the Help of Moral Agents. Potential risks on an individual and societal level to be considered in interaction design. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Workshop on Moral Agents for Sustainable Transitions. |
Sarah Diefenbach, M. Herzog, Daniel Ullrich, Lara Christoforakos
Social Robot Personality: A Review and Research Agenda. In C. Misselhorn; P. Poljansek & T. Stoerzinger (Eds.): Emotional Machines: Perspectives, Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction. Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/9783658376420 |
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Sarah Diefenbach, Lara Christoforakos, Daniel Ullrich
Moral debate or rebellion. The power of psychological reactance and its potential role in interaction design. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Workshop on Moral Agents for Sustainable Transitions. |
Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
Forecasting transitions in digital society: From social norms to AI applications. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting. |
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Carl Oechsner, Daniel Ullrich
Designing Dynamic Robot Characters to Improve Robot-Human Communications. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Workshop on Socially Assistive Robots. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2303.05219 |
2022 | |
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Daniel Ullrich
Zukunftsvisionen. In S. Diefenbach, S. & P. von Terzi (Eds.). Digitale Gesellschaft neu denken. Chancen und Herausforderungen in Alltags- und Arbeitswelt aus psychologischer Perspektive, pp. 164-175. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. |
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Sarah Diefenbach, Lara Christoforakos, Daniel Ullrich, Andreas Butz
Invisible but Understandable: In Search of the Sweet Spot between Technology Invisibility and Transparency in Smart Spaces and Beyond. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 6(10), 95. doi: 10.3390/mti6100095 |
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Lara Christoforakos, Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
Designing Robots with Personality. In: J. Doerrenbacher, J., R. Ringfort-Felner, R. Neuhaus and M. Hassenzahl (Eds.) Meaningful Futures with Robots - Designing a New Coexistence (pp. 70-78). CRC Press Taylor & Francis. |
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Stefan Tretter, Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich, Nina Gerber
Branchenreport UX/Usability 2022 In: Ludewig, E., Jackstaedt, T. & Hinze, J. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband. Bonn: Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V.. DOI: 10.18420/muc2022-up-477 |
2021 | |
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Daniel Ullrich, Andreas Butz, Sarah Diefenbach
The development of overtrust: An empirical simulation and psychological analysis in the context of human-robot interaction. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.554578 |
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Lara Christoforakos, A. Gallucci, T. Surmava-Grosse, Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
Can robots earn our trust the same way humans do? A systematic exploration of competence, warmth and anthropomorphism as determinants of trust development in HRI. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2021.640444 |
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Stefan Tretter, Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich, Nina Gerber
Branchenreport UX/Usability 2021 In: Ludewig, E. & Jackstaedt, T. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2021 - Usability Professionals. Bonn: Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. und German UPA e.V.. DOI: 10.18420/muc2021-up-456 |
2020 | |
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Daniel Ullrich, Andreas Butz, Sarah Diefenbach
The eternal robot: Anchoring effects in human's mental models of robots and their self. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2020.546724 |
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Sarah Diefenbach, Andreas Butz, Daniel Ullrich
Intelligence Comes from Within - Personality as a UI Paradigm for Smart Spaces Designs, 4(3), 18, https://doi.org/10.3390/designs4030018 |
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Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach, Lara Christoforakos
Das Robot Impression Inventory - Ein modulares Instrument zur Erfassung des subjektiven Eindrucks von Robotern. In T. Koehler, E. Schoop & N. Kahnwald (Eds.) Communities in New Media. From hybrid realities to hybrid communities. Proceedings of 23rd Conference GeNeMe (pp. 244-249). Dresden: TUDpress. https://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/77458/ |
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Stefan Tretter, Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
Branchenreport UX/Usability 2020 In: H. Fischer, H. & S. Hess. (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2020 - Usability Professionals. Bonn: Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. und German UPA e.V. |
2018 | |
Daniel Ullrich, Andreas Butz, Sarah Diefenbach
Who do you follow?: Social Robots' Impact on Human Judgment. In Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 265-266). ACM. |
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Hanna Schneider, Malin Eiband, Daniel Ullrich, Andreas Butz
Empowerment in HCI - A Survey and Framework In CHI '18: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Canada, April 21 - 26, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
2016 | |
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Daniel Ullrich, Andreas Butz
Social Robots for the 21st Century. In IEEE Computer, 49(6), 88-92. |
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Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach, Andreas Butz
Murphy Miserable Robot: A Companion to Support Children's Well-being in Emotionally Difficult Situations. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3234-3240). ACM. |
Sarah Diefenbach, A. Kapsner, Matthias Laschke, Jasmin Niess, Daniel Ullrich
Technology For Behavior Change - Potential, Challenges, And Ethical Questions. I-com - Journal of Interactive Media, 15(2), 195-201. |
Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
Digitale Depression. Wie neue Medien unser Glücksempfinden verändern. MVG Verlag. |
2015 | |
Stefan Tretter, Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
Die Intuitivitaets-Illusion: Attributionsfehler bei der Produktinteraktion. Mensch & Computer 2015. |
Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
An experience perspective on intuitive interaction: central components and the special effect of domain transfer distance. Interacting with Computers, 27(3), 210-234. |
Sarah Diefenbach, Stefan Tretter, Daniel Ullrich, Nina Kolb
Branchenreport UX/Usability 2015. In A. Endmann, H. Fischer, & M. Kraekel (Eds.). Mensch und Computer 2015 - Usability Professionals (pp. 7-20). Muenchen: De Gruyter. |
2014 | |
Daniel Ullrich
Intuitive Interaktion: Eine Exploration von Komponenten, Einflussfaktoren und Gestaltungsansätzen aus der Perspektive des Nutzererlebens Doctoral thesis, TU Darmstadt. |
Nina Kolb, Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
Berichte aus der Usability/UX Branche: Ausbildungswege, Arbeitsfeld und aktuelle Diskussionen. I-com. Zeitschrift fuer interaktive und kooperative Medien, 13 (1), 82-87. |
2013 | |
Daniel Ullrich
Komponenten und Einflussfaktoren der intuitiven Interaktion: Ein integratives Modell. I-com. Zeitschrift fuer interaktive und kooperative Medien, 12 (3), 44-53. |
Sarah Diefenbach, Nina Kolb, Daniel Ullrich
Branchenreport UX/Usability 2013. In H. Brau, A. Lehmann, K. Petrovic, and M. C. Schroeder (Eds.) Usability Professionals 2013 (pp. 264-272). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals' Association e.V. |
2012 | |
Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich, Nina Kolb
Branchenreport Usability 2012. In H. Brau, A. Lehmann, K. Petrovic, and M. C. Schroeder (Eds.) Usability Professionals 2012 (pp. 288-294). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals' Association e.V. |
Paul Gerber, Daniel Ullrich
Automatisierte nichtinvasive Emotionsmessung. Ein Erfahrungsbericht von der Vision bis zur Realisierung. I-com. Zeitschrift fuer interaktive und kooperative Medien, 11 (3), 41-46. |
2011 | |
Daniel Ullrich, J. Lambrecht, Joachim Vogt
Mensch System Integration (MSI) in der Flugsicherung als interdisziplinaerer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess. Anthropotechnik 2011. |
Patrick Christ, Daniel Ullrich, Jens Alexander Ewald, K. Schaefer
Intuitives Nutzerverhalten und peripher-physiologische Aktivierung bei der Bedienung von Tablet-Computern In K.Bittrich, S. Blanckenberger and J. Lukas & (Eds.), Beitraege zur 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 214). Lengerich: Pabst. |
Roman Szymanski, Daniel Ullrich
Erwartungshaltung vs. Usability. Der Effekt von negativer Erwartungshaltung auf die Akzeptanz von Software-Systemen. Usability Professionals 2011 (pp. 112-119). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals' Association e.V. |
Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
Erlebnis intuitive Interaktion - ein phaenomenologischer Ansatz. I-com. Zeitschrift fuer interaktive und kooperative Medien, 10 (3), 63-68. |
Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
Branchenreport Usability 2011. In H. Brau, A. Lehmann, K. Petrovic, and M. C. Schroeder (Eds.) Usability Professionals 2011 (pp. 52-57). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals' Association e.V. |
2010 | |
Sarah Diefenbach, Marc Hassenzahl, Daniel Ullrich, S. Schroeder
Usability Professionals In i-com. Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien |
Katrin Borcherding, Daniel Ullrich
Entscheidungs- und Nutzenanalyse In Holling, H., Schmitz, B. (Eds.) Handbuch Statistik, Methoden und Evaluation (pp. 244-251). Göttingen: Hogrefe. |
Daniel Ullrich
Intuitive Interaction. Assessment of four basic components by means of the INTUI questionnaire. Klee #1 Conference 2010, Darmstadt. |
Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
INTUI. Exploring the Facets of Intuitive Interaction. In J. Ziegler & A. Schmidt (Eds.) Mensch & Computer 2010 (pp. 251-260). Muenchen: Oldenbourg. |
Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
From Magical Experience To Effortlessness: An Exploration of the Components of Intuitive Interaction. In Proceedings of the NordiCHI 2010 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 801-804). New York: ACM Press. |
Sarah Diefenbach, Daniel Ullrich
Branchenreport Usability 2010. In H. Brau, S. Diefenbach, K. Goering, M. Peissner, and K. Petrovic (Eds.) Usability Professionals 2010 (pp. 181-186). Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals' Association e.V. |
2009 | |
Henning Brau, Sarah Diefenbach, Marc Hassenzahl, K. Kohler, F. Koller, M. Peissner, K. Petrovic, M. Thielsch, Daniel Ullrich, D. Zimmermann
Usability Professionals 2009 In Usability Professionals 2009. Stuttgart: German Chapter der Usability Professionals' Association e.V. |
2007 | |
Marc Hassenzahl, Daniel Ullrich
To do or not to do: Differences in user experience and retrospective judgments depending on the presence or absence of instrumental goals. Interacting with Computers, 19(4), 429-437. |
Hardo Sorgatz, Oliver Christ, Daniel Ullrich, Sarah Diefenbach
Is the tablet an ergonomic alternative to the computer mouse? In A. Toomingas, A. Lantz & T.Berns (Eds.), Computing Systemy for Human Benefits from the 8th Conference on Work with Computer Systems (p. 79). Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology. |