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Introduction to Master Mediainformatics
Prof. Butz, Sarah Aragon Bartsch, Kai Holländer
Die Einführungsveranstaltung Master Medieninformatik gibt einmalig Einblick in den Ablauf und die Modalitäten des Masterstudiums. Eine anschließende Fragerunde ermöglicht das Klären konkreter Fragen.Termin
The introduction session will take place on Monday, 12.04.2021, at 5:00 pm s.t. via Zoom under the following link:https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/96339975942?pwd=VEJIQU5TMElGUVdCTmpQdC96cStLdz09 (Meeting-ID: 963 3997 5942, Password: 964476)
Please respect the rules for online teaching below.
Rules for Online Teaching
While LMU is closed, most teaching happens currently online. As teachers, we ask you to be forgiving if things should not work perfectly right away, and we hope for your constructive participation. In this situation, we would also like to explicitly point out some rules, which would be self-evident in real life:- In live meetings, we ask you to responsibly deal with audio (off by default) and bandwidth (video as needed).
- Recording or redirecting streams by participants is not allowed.
- Distributing content (video, audio, images, PDFs, etc.) in other channels than those foreseen by the author is not allowed.