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SS25 SS24 SS23 SS22 SS21 SS20 SS19 SS18 SS17 SS16 SS15 SS14 SS13 SS12 SS11 SS10 SS09
Computer Graphics 1
Lecturer: | Prof. Dr. Butz |
Assistants: | Changkun Ou, Dennis Dietz |
Modul: | P12: Computergrafik (for Bachelor Medien-/informatik) |
Teaching Format
The lecture and the tutorials will take place in presence. For students who can't attend the presence lecture, please send us a message to cg1ss22 ät Registration and grading is performed via Uni2Work.
The information on this page may be outdated as the semester continues, refer to Uni2Work to fetch the latest information for registered students.
The course is designed for senior bachelor students (4th semester or higher) who have taken those following courses (recommended) or have equivalent knowledge:- Lineare Algebra für Informatiker
- Einführung in die Programmierung
- Programmierung und Modellierung
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
- Digitale Medien
Further details regarding study plan can be found in Semesterplanung.
Inquiries/questions/discussions concerning the course must be sent to cg1ss22 ät Any requests not delivered to this address will not receive a response.Dates and Locations
- Lecture:
Date: Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Location: Schellingstr. 3 (S), S 001 - Tutorials:
Tutorial Weekday Time Location Tutorial 01 Tuesdays 14:15 - 15:45 Online Tutorial 02 Tuesdays 16:15 - 17:45 Online Tutorial 03 Tuesdays 16:15 - 17:45 Amalienstr. 73A, Room 018 Tutorial 04 Wednesdays 14:15 - 15:45 Amalienstr. 73A, Room 018 Tutorial 05 Wednesdays 16:15 - 17:45 Amalienstr. 73A, Room 018
Lecture Schedule
Date | Topic |
26.04 | Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation |
03.05 | Lecture 2: Transformations and Scene Graphs |
10.05 | Lecture 3: 3D Geometry and Modeling |
17.05 | Lecture 4: Cameras |
24.05 | No Lecture |
31.05 | Lecture 5: Rasterization |
07.06 | No Lecture |
14.06 | Lecture 6: Light, Materials, Appearance |
21.06 | Lecture 7: Shading and Rendering |
28.06 | Lecture 8: Animation |
05.07 | Lecture 9: Interaction in 3D |
12.07 | No Lecture |
19.07 | Lecture 10: VR, AR, and XR |
26.07 | QA for Exam |