Information for Enrolled Students
- Freshmen
What do I need to know as a freshman? Here you can find an overview over helpful initial information.
Timetable Creation
- Current Courses
Which lectures, seminars and practical courses are offered this semester?
- Semester Planing
Which courses should I attend in which semester?
- Study Regulations and Examinations
Where can I get an overview of my grades?
Who can I contact if one of my grades is missing?
Which modules must be taken, which exam modalities apply?
All about studies
- Theses
How do I write my Bachelor or Master thesis?
- User Studies
Where can I get participate in user studies?
- Abroad
Where can I spend a semester abroad?
Questions and Resources
- Glossary
What do certain terms mean? Here, you can find an alphabetical overview of words and acronyms you will come across during your studies.
- Contact Person
Who is responsible for what?