Dr. Wolfgang Spießl
wolfgang.spiessl at bmw.de |
Research Interests
- Highly automated driving
- Perception and Performance
- Assessment Methodologies
2011 | |
Wolfgang Spiessl, Heinrich Hussmann
Assessing error recognition in automated driving IET Intell. Transp. Syst., June 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2, p.103-111 (bib) |
Lorenzo T. D'Angelo, Jan Parlow, Wolfgang Spiessl, Stefan Hoch, Tim C. Lüth
Fahrzeugintegrierte Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Vitalparameter 4. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2011, Berlin, Januar 2011. (bib) |
2010 | |
Wolfgang Spiessl, Marion Mangold
ALCT - A Methodical Approach Toward Evaluating the Influence of Secondary Tasks during Automated Driving In Proceedings of the European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Berlin, Germany, April 2010. (bib) |
Albrecht Schmidt, Anind K. Dey, Andrew L. Kun, Wolfgang Spiessl
Automotive User Interfaces: Human Computer Interaction in the Car In CHI '10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Atlanta, USA, April 10 - 15, 2010). CHI '10. |
Lorenzo T. D'Angelo, Jan Parlow, Wolfgang Spiessl, Stefan Hoch, Tim C. Lüth
A System for Unobtrusive In-Car Vital Parameter Acquisition and Processing In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2010, Garching, Germany, March 2010. (bib) |
Albrecht Schmidt, Wolfgang Spiessl, Dagmar Kern
Driving Automotive User Interface Research IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan.-Mar. 2010, pp. 85-88. Link to Journal (bib) |
2009 | |
Wolfgang Spiessl, Stefan Graf, Albrecht Schmidt
Suchbasierte Interaktion mit Fahrerinformationssystemen I-com Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, ISSN 1618-162X , volume 8, issue 2 Nutzungsschnittstellen und interaktive Anwendungen im Auto, September 2009, pp. 5-9. Link to Journal (bib) |
2008 | |
Wolfgang Spiessl, Stefan Hoch
Kontextsensitive Fahrzeugsysteme: Potential und Herausforderungen In: 2nd Workshop on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Applications (AUIIA 08), Mensch und Computer 2008, Lübeck, Logos Verlag, Berlin, September 2008. (bib) |
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Stefan Graf, Wolfgang Spiessl, Albrecht Schmidt, Anneke Winter, Gerhard Rigoll
In-car Interaction using Search-Based User Interfaces In Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '08), Florence, Italy, Apr 2008 (bib) |
2007 | |
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Wolfgang Spiessl, Nicolas Villar, Hans Gellersen, Albrecht Schmidt
VoodooFlash: Authoring across Physical and Digital Form In Proceedings of the 1st international Conference on Tangible and Embedded interaction, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, February 15 - 17, 2007. (bib) |
2006 | |
Matthias Kranz, Paul Holleis, Wolfgang Spiessl, Albrecht Schmidt, Ferdinand Tusker
The Therapy Top Measurement and Visualization System - An Example for the Advancements in Existing Sports Equipments International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (ISSN 1684-4769), December 2006, pp. 76-80 Link to Journal (bib) |
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Matthias Kranz, Paul Holleis, Wolfgang Spiessl, Albrecht Schmidt
Designing Systems of Ubiquitous Sports Equipment 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, ISBN 3540396349 , UbiComp 2006, September, 2006 |
Project and Diploma Theses
Currently no open students projects.
Supervised Project and Diploma Theses
Topic: Durchgehender Entwicklungsprozess eines neuen Benutzerinterface mit Hilfe von Flash (PA) Student: Matthias Dantone |
Topic: Integration von ACC Stop & Go und Ampelassistent (DA) Studentin: Burcu Baltaci |
Topic: Bewertung von Nebentätigkeiten hinsichtlich ihres Ablenkungspotentials beim hochassistierten Fahren (DA) Studentin: Marion Mangold |
Topic: Potentialanalyse von Echtzeit-Blickerfassung für automotive Anwendungen (PA) Student: Fabian Winter |