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WS2425 WS2324 WS2223 WS2122 WS2021 WS1920 WS1819 WS1718 WS1617 WS1516 WS1415 WS1314 WS1213 WS1112 WS0910 WS0708
WS2425 WS2324 WS2223 WS2122 WS2021 WS1920 WS1819 WS1718 WS1617 WS1516 WS1415 WS1314 WS1213 WS1112 WS0910 WS0708
Lecture Information Visualization
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andreas ButzTutorials: Carl Oechsner Rifat Amin
Hours per week: 2 (Lecture) + 2 (Tutorial)
ECTS-Credits: 6
Module: WP16: Computergrafik 3 (for Master Medieninformatik)
Contact: Please send any requests concerning the course only to iv2223 ät medien.ifi.lmu.de
- 22.09.2022
Tutors for the lecture Online Multimedia for WiSe 2022/23 wanted! Click here for more information
- 30.08.2022 Course registration is open from Sep 01 via Uni2Work. Tutorial registration will be open from semester start on Sep 19.
- 30.08.2022 This webpage has been created. The corresponding Course Page on Uni2Work has been created. All information is subject to change.
Teaching Format
- Lecture and tutorials will take place in presence.
- The course language is German.
- For successful completion of the module, the completion of a software project is mandatory.
- Registration and administration is performed via Uni2Work.
Dates and Locations: Please see Uni2Work.
The lecture introduces core aspects in information visualization. The focus will be on human visual perception, visualization of multivariate data, and interaction concepts for visualization systems. Based on these concepts, strategies will be introduced that allow graphs, networks, trees, text-based data and time-based data to be visualized. Furthermore, the lecture presents techniques to efficiently use limited display space.
The lecture course is suitable for:
- Students of media informatics (Medieninformatik) (Master) and computer science (Informatik) (Master) with prior knowledge in media informatics (Medieninformatik). This lecture is obligatory for Master HCI (Mensch-Computer Interaktion).
The lecture is targeted at master students. However, participation is also possible for bachelor students. Please be advised that credits can cannot be provided to bachelor students prior to enrollment for a master program.