Workshop User Experience Design III - (Concept Development)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Alexander WiethoffTutorials: Sophia Sakel
Guests: Prof. Dr. Marin Zec
Hours per week: 6
ECTS credits: 6
Module: WP 16.3: UX3/Concept Development (Bachelor) (BA MI PStO 2022)
Voraussetzung: WP 13: UX1/Interaction Design
Dates and Locations
- Preparation Session: 15th July 2024, 6-8 p.m. in the theoretical lecture room 151, Frauenlobstr. 7a
- Course dates: 30th of September to 11th of October, 2024. Daily: 9-5 p.m., Oettingenstr. 67, L 155 and additional work rooms
- Materials and communication via Moodle.
- The Moodle deadline for application is the 12nd of July.
- Attendance is mandatory at the pre-appointment because the topic is presented, the necessary preparations are made before the course begins, and teams are formed.
The User Experience Design III course is targeted at systematically developing an innovative UX concept and communicate it by means of a video prototype. In teams, the iterative UX design process in its individual phases (research, analysis, concepts, prototypes, evaluation) will be practically investigated and theoretical knowledge strengthened. A final discussion with experts from the industry (e.g. B/S/H, BMW Group, Designaffairs, IXDS, Netlight Consulting) provides first insights to which extent the design concept has opportunities for further development. The basics of the previous courses User Experience Design I + II provide the necessary basis knowledge to successfully complete this module.
The lecture course is suitable for Students of Media Informatics with Human Computer Interaction (HCI) as their minor subject in their 5th semester (Prerequisite: UX1/Interaction Design)
Reading List
Relevante Fachliteratur zur Vorlesung:
- Mike Kuniavsky: Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User ResearchPDF Link
- Interview with Jane Fulton Suri: Question Everything PDF Link
- Karen Holtzblatt, Hugh Beyer: Contextual Design PDF Link