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Open Lab Day 2024 — Media Informatics Group

Monday, Jan 29th 2024
6-9:30 pm
Frauenlobstr. 7a
What are you actually doing when studying "Media Informatics" or "Human-Computer Interaction"?
Students from Medieninformatik are welcome alongside their families and friends or simply curious-minded people. The Open Lab Day will be a great opportunity to see what Media Informatics, Interaction Design, User Experience, and Human-Computer Interaction are through various showcased projects. It is also a great opportunity for students or prospective students to get information in a relaxed atmosphere. Professionals will get the opportunity to meet future graduates and see their work.
On January 29th, 2024, from 6 pm to 9:30 pm, the Media Informatics, Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media, and Human-Computer Interaction groups at LMU Munich open their doors to interested colleagues, students, friends, and families.
Professors and Ph.D. students will showcase their ongoing research, and students will present the results of their semester projects. We invite visitors to come, experiment, and reflect on novel and exciting interactive devices and experiences.
The Media Informatics, Human-Centered Ubiquitous Media, and Human-Computer Interaction groups at LMU Munich research novel user interfaces, automotive user interfaces, virtual and augmented reality, usability, multimedia engineering, user experience, and interaction with mobile devices and intelligent environments.