Latex Template
Please find the latest thesis template at https://github.com/mimuc/thesis
Presentation Template
There is no template that you are required to use. Use one you like and you think is fitting for your presentation. Note: all projectors at LMU Munich are 16:9. Thus, use a 16:9 template.
Plagiarism Rules
For the rules on plagiarism, please refer to https://www.medien.ifi.lmu.de/lehre/Plagiate-IfI.pdf
Gantt Chart
A template for a Gantt Chart to plan the thesis.
Materials to Conduct Stduies
Tips and Tricks
- Hinweise zur Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten by Dr. Birgit Demuth and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann (German only)
- How to write a research paper and thesis (.ppt) by Saul Greenberg, University of Calgary (English only)
- How to Write a Great Research Paper by Simon Peyton Jones (English only)
- Aufbau von Abschlussarbeiten by the TU Dresden (Germany Only)