2021 |
Louisa Terbrack
SpiderWeb: A Serious Game to Create Awareness for Internet Security in Children
bachelor thesis, 25.07.2021 - 12.12.2021, Advisor: Thomas Weber
2016 |
Natalie Kurz
Vertrauenswürdiger Login auf Webseiten (in Zusammenarbeit mit Google)
master thesis, 19.05.2016 - 17.11.2016, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Tobias Seitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Saron Mebrahtu
Nudging Password Choices with the Bandwagon Effect and Reactance
master thesis, 22.01.2016 - 22.07.2016, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
Stefanie Meitner
Der Effekt von Passwort-Generatoren auf die Selektion von Passwörtern
bachelor thesis, 15.01.2016 - 02.06.2016, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
Katharina Schwarz
Partizipatives Design eines Registrierungsformulars mit non-verbalen persuasiven Elementen zur Passwortverbesserung
bachelor thesis, 23.10.2015 - 11.03.2016, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
2015 |
Vanessa Böhner
Enhancing Trust in Verified Websites through Individual Browser Themes
master thesis, 01.06.2015 - 01.12.2015, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
Isabel Schönewald
Einsatz des Decoy Effekts bei Password Generatoren
bachelor thesis, 03.05.2015 - 27.07.2015, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
Susanne Heller
Der Einfluss von Passwort Ratgebern auf das Nutzerverhalten
bachelor thesis, 07.04.2015 - 30.06.2015, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
- |
Marko Nalis
A user interface concept for transparent user interactions during mobile device sharing.
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Amadeus Schell
A Management Tool for Scientific Evaluations and User Study Planning (Frontend)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
David Kronmüller
A Management Tool for Scientific Evaluations and User Study Planning (Backend)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Malin Eiband
The Impact of Visualization and Presentation on Android Pattern Selection
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Ismail Kosan
On the Reduction of the Guessability and the Observability of Graphical Passwords
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Sarah Aragon Bartsch
Evaluierung des Einflusses verschiedener Gerätetypen auf die Passworteingabe
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Anton Koslow
A pattern-based authentication method resilient against smudge attacks
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Niklas Thiem
Exploring Threats in Smart Homes
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Patrick Schnitzer
An Analysis of State-of-the-Art Smart Devices regarding Security, Privacy and Data Policies
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Nini Nguyen
Dynamic Security Questions in Smart Environments
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Tim Spang
Privacy in Smart Homes
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange
Stephan Kniep
Privacy Mental Models of Smart Homes
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Daniel Panangian
User Identification using Ambient Sensors in Smart Homes
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Lukas Mecke
Elias Amort
Authentication in a Smart Environment (“3D Pass”)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Prange, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Marc Mühlbauer
User Interfaces for Indication of Visual Website Similarity for Fraudulent Websites
master thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Dennis Herzner
Using Visual Image Comparison to Detect Fraudulent Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Alexander Gundermann
Creating a Web Browser for User Studies on Security
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Bernhard Frauendienst
Moodyboard: A physical keyboard indicating security and privacy problems
diploma thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Florian Müller
Keyword Based Security Awareness Warnings for Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Sylvia Kempe
Enhancing Datatype Based Security Notifications For Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Dominik Andreasky
Enhancing Web Browser Privacy and Security Awareness
diploma thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Simon Wicha
Community-Based Security and Privacy Ratings for Internet Websites
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Cornelia Reithmeier
Diminishing Visual Brand Trust on Websites for better Security Assessment
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Regina Hasholzner
EyeLock: Multimodal User Authentication using Gaze and Touch on Unmodified Mobile Devices
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Phishing in 2020: Investigating Suspicious Content through Crowdsourcing Personal Experiences
BA/MA, Advisor: Mariam Hassib, Yasmeen Abderabou
Tools to Support Understanding of Data Tracking
BA/MA, Advisor: Ceenu George
Philipp Hauptmann
Protecting Sensitive Data On Mobile Devices With Handwritten Fonts
master thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband
Lukas Kappeler
Automatisierung von Challenge-Response Authentifizierungsverfahren
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alina Hang
Katharina Frison
Evaluierung verschiedener Dialogsysteme zur Stimmauthentifizierung
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alina Hang
Marita Plafka
Enhancing Security Awareness based on Interactive and Practical Tasks
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Offline QKD II - Perceived vs. "Real" Security
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Delgado
Abschlussarbeiten im Bereich Human-Centered Security and Privacy
MA/BA/PA, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Usable Security in Smart Homes
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Yomna Abdelrahman
Usable Security in VR/AR
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Yomna Abdelrahman