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Disputation Seminar (Bachelor and Master)

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Alt, Prof. Dr. Butz, Prof. Wiethoff, Prof. Dr. Mayer and Prof. Dr. Schmidt

Dates and Locations


The course serves the presentation of current research topics from the environment of the chair, including guest lectures. This also includes the intermediate and final presentations, which are part of every internship, bachelor as well as master thesis. All interested students are welcome to attend the disputation seminar! In particular, regular attendance is recommended for those, who are in the process of writing their practical, bachelor or master thesis.

Length of presentations


The order of presentations on this website is subject to possible changes at short notice.

Setting appointements

The date of the disputation will be arranged with the supervisor of the thesis and registered by them. Appointments can only be kept once the written work has been submitted. For externally supervised presentations, please contact the conect person at least four weeks before the desired date, providing the following information:


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