2025 |
The Effects of Comments and Indentation on Code Quality Perception: An Eye-Tracking Study of CS1 Students
master thesis, 13.01.2025 - 26.05.2025, Advisor: Sigrid Klinger, Thomas Weber
2024 |
Magdalena Benkard
Self-Managing Mental Health through a Contextual Mood-Tracking application
master thesis, 30.01.2024 - 30.06.2024, Advisor: Sophia Sakel
Milos Veljovic
Accuracy and Precision of Webcam-based Eye Trackers
bachelor thesis, English, 24.11.2023 - 26.04.2024, Advisor: Heiko Drewes
2023 |
Anna Putz
Physical Representation of and Interaction with Biomarkers
bachelor thesis, 14.03.2023 - 01.08.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel,
Tabea Blenk
Investigating Technology to Support and Reflect on Social Interactions
master thesis, 14.12.2022 - 14.06.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel, Luke Haliburton
Tim Olbrich
Concept, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Mood-Tracking Application Using Mobile Sensing for Context Detection to Improve Users' Well-Being
master thesis, 05.12.2022 - 05.06.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel, Sarah Aragon Bartsch
Flavia Criscione
TraCally: Integrating Self-Tracking into a Mobile Calendar to Support Well-Being
bachelor thesis, 05.12.2022 - 24.04.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel, Sarah Aragon Bartsch
2021 |
Rafael Thiel
Gaze-based Information Dimming in Adaptive IDEs
master thesis, 13.05.2021 - 11.11.2021, Advisor: Thomas Weber
2020 |
Christina Winiker
Eye-Tracking Study of Machine Learning Programmers
bachelor thesis, 21.04.2020 - 09.09.2020, Advisor: Thomas Weber
2018 |
Felix Althammer
Guiding the User's Gaze in 360 Degree Videos
bachelor thesis, 08.09.2017 - 26.01.2018, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe, Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Evaluating Public Displays in Virtual Environments
master thesis, Advisor: Jiamin Shi
Benedikt Werner
Analyzing Comprehension of Grouped Bar and Line Charts Through Temporal and Physiological Sensing
master thesis, Advisor: Kathrin Schnizer
Robert Müller
Fitbit data analysis
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Katrin Schauer
Einfluss von Geschlecht und Persönlichkeit auf die Bewertung interaktiver Visualisierungskonzepte persönlicher Daten
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Nicole Lippner
Personal phone usage data feedback - UI Design for data-driven users
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
David Klein
Evaluating Heart Rate Tracker to Measure Intelligibility
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Malin Eiband
Felix Decher
Using Eye-Tracking for Foreign Language Proficiency Estimation
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Haptische Bedienschnittstellen auf nicht-planaren Objekten
DA/MA, Advisor: Hendrik Richter
Referenzrahmen bei der distalen Vermittlung taktiler Reize
PA/BA, Advisor: Hendrik Richter
Assessing Image Similarity via EEG
master thesis, Advisor: Teodora Mitrevska
Nihad Zehic
Content Based User Tracking for Online E-commerce Applications
project thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Leap Motion Calibration to real world surface
BA/MA, Advisor: Christian Mai, Daniel Buschek
Leap Motion basierte Manipulation von Bedienelemten in einer vollimmersiven Head Mounted Display Umgebung
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Christian Mai
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Lukas Mecke
An Approach for Spontaneous Pursuits Calibration in the Real World
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Ozan Saltuk
Eye Tracker Calibration for Public Displays Using Smooth Pursuits
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Alina Hang, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Tobias Thieron
Overcoming the Parallax Effect on Public Displays
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Jens Le
Comparing modalities for authentication on public displays
project thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, , Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Linh Nguyenvo
Detecting Pursuits on RGB Cameras
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Katharina Sachmann
Gaze-based Interaction in the Real World
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Thomas Mattusch
PhoneGaze: Enabling gaze-based interaction on smartphones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Markus Friesenegger
Exploring Human-Drone Interaction
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Dr. Mohammad Obaid, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Carl Oechsner
GazeVR: Gaze-based Interaction in Virtual Reality
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Anna Kienle
GazeDrone: Gaze-based Interaction with Drones
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Katharina Stolz
Gaze-based Voting in (Semi-)Public Areas
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Eye Tracking on Handheld Mobile Devices
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Dr. Ken Pfeuffer
Alexander Klimczak and Martin Reiss
EyeScout: Active Gaze-Interaction on Large Displays
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Axel Hösl, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Johannes Sylupp
EyePiano - Using eye tracking to automate page turning of digital music scores
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Regina Hasholzner
EyeLock: Multimodal User Authentication using Gaze and Touch on Unmodified Mobile Devices
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Sarah Aragon Bartsch
Through-The-Lens Camera Motion Control: An Exploration of Interactions
master thesis, Advisor: Axel Hösl
John-Louis Gao
Image-based Gimbal Control
master thesis, Advisor: Axel Hösl
Franz Berwein
Pressure-Sensitive Tangible User Interfaces Through Optical Tracking
diploma thesis, Advisor: Fabian Hennecke
Die Windschutzscheibe als Display: Eye-Tracking für 3D-Displays
BA/MA/DA, Advisor: Renate Häuslschmid
Julia Doerner
A Spherical Interface for Tangible Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments
master thesis, Advisor: David Englmeier
Fan Fan
A VR Locomotion Concept based on a Handheld Spherical Controller
master thesis, Advisor: David Englmeier
Isabel Schoenewald
Exploring Tangible Interaction with Immersive Spherical Visualizations
master thesis, Advisor: David Englmeier
Martin Zürn
EyeSpot: Gaze-based Visual Privacy Protection on Mobile Devices
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband, Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Martin Zürn
Evaluating the Security of EyeSpot
project thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband, Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Jonas Boenisch
AR / VR for High Ropes Courses (Hochseilgarten)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Felix Dietz, Ville Mäkelä
Novel Musical Interfaces for Virtual Reality
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Ken Pfeuffer, Prof. Dr. Udo Helmbrecht
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Christian Becker
Guiding Multiple-Users in Front of Public Displays
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt, Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Gino Gravanis
SweetSpot 2.0 - Guiding Public Display Users in Hands-Free Interaction Settings
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Gaze user interface for augmented reality
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Ken Pfeuffer
Florian Hiemer
Enhancing Questionnaires based on Gaze Data
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Analyzing Gaze Behavior to Enhance Questionnaires
master thesis