Student Theses related to tablet
Ein Bilderbuch als App: Implementierung und Evaluation eines interaktiven Bilderbuches bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch |
Die digitale Malwerkstatt im Browser: Kindliche Perspektiven und Strategien im Umgang mit touchbasierten Webanwendungen bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch |
Design of a Pen with Haptic Feedback for Tabletops BA/DA/MA, Advisor: Hendrik Richter, Dr. Aurélien Tabard |
eLabBench for MS Surface Tabletops PA/BA/DA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Aurélien Tabard |
Evaluating Visual Programming with Functional Languages on Tablet Computers bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer |
Development of a tablet application in support of co-located collaboration bachelor thesis, Advisor: Fabian Hennecke |
Tangible and visual programming of physical user interfaces BA/PA/DA, English, Advisor: Bettina Conradi |
3D drawing on 2D pen-and-touch devices BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Ken Pfeuffer |