2019 |
Julian Brüstle
Exploring the Measurability of User-System Trust through Physiological Signals
bachelor thesis, 25.02.2019 - 15.07.2019, Advisor: Matthias Schmidmaier
Dominik Maurice Runge
Exploring Audio Parameters for Trustful System Interaction
bachelor thesis, 25.02.2019 - 15.07.2019, Advisor: Matthias Schmidmaier
Boa Loi Quach
Overtrust in External Cues of Automated Vehicles
bachelor thesis, German, 18.10.2018 - 18.03.2019, Advisor: Kai Holländer
2016 |
Natalie Kurz
Vertrauenswürdiger Login auf Webseiten (in Zusammenarbeit mit Google)
master thesis, 19.05.2016 - 17.11.2016, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Tobias Seitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca
2015 |
Vanessa Böhner
Enhancing Trust in Verified Websites through Individual Browser Themes
master thesis, 01.06.2015 - 01.12.2015, Advisor: Tobias Seitz
- |
Oskar Hargedahl
The Perception of Trust-elements in Mobile-only Banking of Swedish and German Customers
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Synchronous Body Movements in Human-Robot Interaction
BA/MA, Advisor: Svenja Schött, Florian Müller
The Influence of Physical Presence on Trust in HRI
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Svenja Schött
Cornelia Reithmeier
Diminishing Visual Brand Trust on Websites for better Security Assessment
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Guangyao Quan
Effect of NDRTs and system transparency in passenger-vehicle cooperation
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li, Jue Li
Vincent Göke
Trust in Passenger-Vehicle Cooperation: Exploring Rear-Seat Intervention Approach in Automated Driving
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jingyi Li
Die Windschutzscheibe als Display: Vertrauen in das Autonomes Fahren
BA/MA/DA, Advisor: Renate Häuslschmid
Michael Hufnagel
Trust in VR
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Ceenu George, Malin Eiband
Karlheinz Reinhardt
Increasing trust in VR through design
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Ceenu George
Fabian Nussberger
Virtual reality privacy attacks
master thesis, Advisor: Ceenu George
Alexander Kremer
Calibrating Trust in Intelligent Systems via Explanations
master thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband
Lukas Kappeler
Automatisierung von Challenge-Response Authentifizierungsverfahren
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alina Hang
Katharina Frison
Evaluierung verschiedener Dialogsysteme zur Stimmauthentifizierung
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Alexander De Luca, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Alina Hang