2024 |
Interactive Machine Learning
master thesis, 01.02.2024 - 15.08.2024, Advisor: Florian Bemmann, Thomas Weber
Magdalena Benkard
Self-Managing Mental Health through a Contextual Mood-Tracking application
master thesis, 30.01.2024 - 30.06.2024, Advisor: Sophia Sakel
2023 |
Anna Putz
Physical Representation of and Interaction with Biomarkers
bachelor thesis, 14.03.2023 - 01.08.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel,
Tabea Blenk
Investigating Technology to Support and Reflect on Social Interactions
master thesis, 14.12.2022 - 14.06.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel, Luke Haliburton
Tim Olbrich
Concept, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Mood-Tracking Application Using Mobile Sensing for Context Detection to Improve Users' Well-Being
master thesis, 05.12.2022 - 05.06.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel, Sarah Aragon Bartsch
Flavia Criscione
TraCally: Integrating Self-Tracking into a Mobile Calendar to Support Well-Being
bachelor thesis, 05.12.2022 - 24.04.2023, Advisor: Sophia Sakel, Sarah Aragon Bartsch
2021 |
Mark Engerisser
Combating Excessive Scrolling on Smartphones
master thesis, 12.03.2021 - 30.09.2021, Advisor: Luke Haliburton, Ville Mäkelä
2019 |
Julia Speckmeier
User Experience Design of a Mobile Self-Assessment Application for Study Program Choice
master thesis, 02.10.2018 - 26.03.2019, Advisor: Sarah Aragon Bartsch
2011 |
Irina Anastasiu
Grasp Sensing for Mobile Interaction
diploma thesis, 15.11.2010 - 14.05.2011, Advisor: Raphael Wimmer
Constantin Scheuermann, Marc Mühlbauer, Nadja Mikhaylova
How Do Users Grasp Their Mobile Phone
practical research course, 15.11.2010 - 10.01.2011, Advisor: Raphael Wimmer
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Marko Nalis
A user interface concept for transparent user interactions during mobile device sharing.
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Amadeus Schell
A Management Tool for Scientific Evaluations and User Study Planning (Frontend)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
David Kronmüller
A Management Tool for Scientific Evaluations and User Study Planning (Backend)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Malin Eiband
The Impact of Visualization and Presentation on Android Pattern Selection
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Ismail Kosan
On the Reduction of the Guessability and the Observability of Graphical Passwords
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Katharina Winkler
Evaluating the Impact of Content-dependent Security Mechanisms: Performance, Perception and Feasibility
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Daniel Buschek, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Christoph Viegener
An in-situ evaluation of mobile device sharing behavior
diploma thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Mirjam Mickisch
SwiPIN in the Wild - An Experience Sampling Approach
practical research course, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Bruno Brunkow
Using Gestures to Protect PIN-Entry from Shoulder Surfing
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Annika Busch
Designing a Graphical Shoulder Surfing Resistant Authentication Mechanism for Off-the-shelf Smartphones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Boris Rutkowski
Konzeption und Evaluierung eines Template-Editors für mobile Endgeräte
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Peter Arnold
An Analysis of Graphical Password Selection, Strength and Entropy
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Sabrina Gild
On The Usability of Hard to Observe Android (Un)lock Patterns
practical research course, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Philipp Janssen
On The Impact of Pattern Composition Strategies on Shoulder-Surfing Vulnerability
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Alexander Kehr
Memorability and Usability of Randomized Graphical Authentication Systems for Mobile Devices
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Anna Kienle
The Presentation Effect on Grid-based Passwords Revisited
practical research course, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Anna Kienle
The Presentation Effect on Grid-based Passwords
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Markus Friesenegger
A Concept to Increase the Entropy in User-selected Password Spaces
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Sarah Aragon Bartsch
Evaluierung des Einflusses verschiedener Gerätetypen auf die Passworteingabe
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Dr. Alexander De Luca
Anton Koslow
A pattern-based authentication method resilient against smudge attacks
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Monika Wroblewska
Feasible Interaction Concepts for App-based Authentication Mechanisms on Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Oskar Hargedahl
The Perception of Trust-elements in Mobile-only Banking of Swedish and German Customers
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Julian Schmidt
When People and Algorithms Meet: Exploring Users' Experiences and the Need for Explanation in Intelligent Systems
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel, Christina Schneegass, Nađa Terzimehić
Olena Schneider
Aspekte der On-/ Offlinefähigkeit bei Mobile Business Apps
diploma thesis, Advisor: Simon Stusak
Karsten Baender
Mobile Texteingabe ("4WORD")
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Bernhard Slawik
Franz Mueller
Unterstützung der Automobilherstellung durch die Kombination von tragbaren Darstellungsgeräten
master thesis, Advisor: Bernhard Slawik
Daniel Seliger
Prototypical Development and Evaluation of a Mobile Input Device Based on 8pen
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Bernhard Slawik
Zhenhao Li
Implementing an attention recognition mechanism for mobile learning to improve task resumption
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Vincet Füseschi
Design and implementation of visual cues to improve task resumptoion in mobile learning
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Nicole Lippner
Augmenting foreign language reading to improve grammar skills
master thesis, German, Advisor: Fiona Draxler, Christina Schneegass
Yannik Wojcicki
Building and retaining personal knowledge: The Effect of Timing and Presentation mode on learning performance and mobile PKM app usage
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Mariam Nettah
Design of context-aware grammar explanations for language learning scenarios
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Nađa Terzimehić
Viktoriia Konevych
Investigating the effectiveness of task resumption cues in a real-world setting.
bachelor thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Miriam Halsner
Investigating the effectiveness of different task resumption cues in regards of learning material complexity.
bachelor thesis, German, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Jonas Safranek
Investigating mobile learning interruptions by utilizing smartphone sensor logging and event-based ESM sampling
master thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass, Fiona Draxler
Frederik Löffert
Enabling Mobile Device Feedback Using Push Notifications
project thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer, Doris Hausen
Attjector: Design and Analysis of and Attention-Following Wearable Micro-Projector
MA/DA, Advisor: Sven Kratz, (BibTex)
Understanding Mobile Augmented Reality Pointing
MA/DA, Advisor: Sven Kratz, (BibTex)
Office Employees: Developing a visualization concept for Android for raising awareness of the energy consumption in an office space
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dagmar Koss
Ine Lieder
Impact of Public Displays and Mobile Devices on Shopping malls of the Future
project thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Alina Hang, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Andy Krüger
Guiding Smartphone Users into Specific Holding Postures
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis
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Thomas Mattusch
PhoneGaze: Enabling gaze-based interaction on smartphones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Martin Jaschkowitz
Exploring Novel Feedback Mechanisms for Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
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Anita Baier
Understanding how Users Interact with their Smartphones in their Daily Lives
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Eye Tracking on Handheld Mobile Devices
BA/MA, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Dr. Ken Pfeuffer
Thomas Burghart
User Interface Concepts for Motion Control
master thesis, German, 10.03.2014 - 08.09.2014, Advisor: Axel Hösl
Philipp Hauptmann
Protecting Sensitive Data On Mobile Devices With Handwritten Fonts
master thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband
Martin Zürn
EyeSpot: Gaze-based Visual Privacy Protection on Mobile Devices
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband, Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Martin Zürn
Evaluating the Security of EyeSpot
project thesis, Advisor: Malin Eiband, Dr. Mohamed Khamis
Calvin Hoenes
Predicting Hand Posture from Zoom and Rotation Gestures
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Darius Borecki
User- and Context-Aware Mobile Web Interaction
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Alexander Auch
A Toolkit for Analysing Mobile Touch Interactions with Websites
diploma thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Fabian Hartmann
Time-constrained Access Control for Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Philipp Piwowarsky
Innovating user experience of a mobile credit card balance check for increased customer loyalty
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Raphael Kösters
Exploring Resting States of Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Julia Kinshofer
Analysing Pen Input on Mobile Touchscreen Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Maximilian Hackenschmied
Dynamic UI Adaptations for Single-Handed Use of Mobile Touchscreen Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Benjamin Bisinger
A Touchscreen Keyboard Application for Privacy-Aware Analysis of Mobile Typing in the Wild
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Frank Zengea
Optimizing mobile user interfaces based on user habits
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Einzelpraktikum Effizienzanalyse Mobiler Authentifizierung
EINZELPRAKTIKUM, Advisor: Daniel Buschek, Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Cedric Quintes
Adapting Mobile Touch Interfaces to Varying Contexts and Levels of Attention
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek
Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Smartphone Users based on their Mobile Sensing Data
BA/MA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Mustafa Muschtaq
Smartphone sensor data collection and model creation for passive measurement of sleep duration
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann, Ramona Schoedel
In-depth Investigation on Privacy Concerns with Smartphone Sensing
BA/MA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Olivér Palotás
Approximating the sustainability of behaviors using assessable personal data
BA/MA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
LLM-based Adaptive Smartphone Keyboards
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann, Thomas Weber
Meghna Sreedar
Chatbot-based Experience Sampling
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Deep Activity Tracking on Android Smartphones
MA/PA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Fun Fact Memes to Engage Participants in Study Participation
BA/MA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Data Feedback in Mobile Sensing Smartphone Apps
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Sandra Zollner
I was here: Understanding the Impact of Design and Effort on Users' Posting Behavior on Public Displays
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt, Dr. Matthias Wagner
Oliver Duerr
Supporting Eldery People In Using Mobile Phones
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Daniel Buschek, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt