Publication Details
Simon Ismair, Julie Wagner, Ted Selker, Andreas Butz
MIME: Teaching Mid-Air Pose-Command Mappings To appear in MobileHCI '15: 17th international conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (bib) |
Mid-air gestures are initial hand poses with a subsequent movement. Existing gesture guides reveal this dynamic part of a gesture. Initial poses, however, are either revealed by space-consuming cheat sheets or time-consuming demonstration videos. MIME is a novel interaction concept that (1) reveals how to form complex hand poses and (2) teaches pose-command mappings: MIME reduces hand poses to space-efficient line figures that users mime with their hands; these abstract lines are embedded into command icons or names to create a mnemonic. We present several applications of the MIME concept, and implemented a prototype based on mid-air back-of-device interaction on off-the-shelf mobile phones. We compared both mnemonics, iconic and textual, to a baseline without embedding to test learnability and memorability of a 12-item vocabulary. Users in the iconic condition required significantly less training than both other conditions and recalled significantly more items after one week compared to the no-cue baseline. |