Publication Details
Sarah Theres Völkel, Wiktoria Wilkowska, Martina Ziefle
Understanding Gender-Specific Motivation and Expectations toward Computer Science In Proceedings of the 2018 Gender & IT Conference. Heilbronn, Germany. May 14 - 15, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
This paper provides an analysis of current motives for choosing computer science as a subject of study, focusing on male and female computer science students' perception about expectations and required qualifications for this professional career. A multi-method approach (qualitative and quantitative research) was applied in two studies in Germany to, firstly, explore which motivations dodge behind the decisions to study this complex discipline, and secondly, to examine if motives and the required skills are gender-specific or not. The results of the presented studies confirm that women and men are guided by different motives and expectations regarding the subject of computer science and in some cases evaluate their strengths and abilities in different ways. |