Sonja Rümelin, Verena Lerch
Enhancing Flat Interactive Surfaces With Hollows: Prototyping And Interaction Approaches Presented as Work-in-Progress in conjunction with the 8th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI '14), Munich, Germany, February 16 - 19, 2014. (bib) |
One important property of non-planar interactive surfaces is that their surface can provide haptically perceivable structures. The visual processing of information on the screen can be relieved by haptic processing. Especially in the automotive domain, a main requirement for infotainment systems is to keep visual distraction below certain threshold values for glance durations. By utilizing non-planar interactive surfaces, we aim to ease the interaction with touchscreens. In this paper, we present our approach to prototype non-planar interactive surfaces. We describe our design process for a structured center console, featuring horizontal bends as well as hollows. We developed a flexible prototype based on rear projection, which allows comparing differently shaped surfaces. Moreover, we suggest ideas how to interact with the created shapes and report initial results of a user study. Overall, we want to inspire future development of non-planar interactive surfaces by providing methods for their fabrication, as well as interaction techniques |