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Michael Rohs, Sven Kratz, Robert Schleicher, Alireza Sahami, Albrecht Schmidt
WorldCupinion: Experiences with an Android App for Real-Time Opinion Sharing during World Cup Soccer Games Research in the Large: Using App Stores, Markets and other wide distribution channels in UbiComp research. Workshop at Ubicomp 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26, 2010. (bib) |
Mobile devices are increasingly used in social networking applications. So far, there is little work on real-time emotion and opinion sharing in large loosely-coupled user communities. We present an Android app for giving realtime feedback during soccer games and to create ad hoc fan groups. We discuss our experiences with deploying this app over four weeks during 2010 soccer world cup. We highlight challenges and opportunities we faced and give recommendations for future work in this area. |