Publication Details
Qian Qin, Michael Rohs, Sven Kratz
Dynamic ambient lighting for mobile devices UIST '11 Adjunct Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium adjunct on User interface software and technology (bib) |
The information a small mobile device can show via its display has been always limited by its size. In large information spaces, relevant information, such as important locations on a map can get clipped when a user starts zooming and panning. Dynamic ambient lighting allows mobile devices to visualize off-screen objects by illuminating the background without compromising valuable display space. The lighted spots can be used to show the direction and distance of such objects by varying the spot's position and intensity. Dynamic ambient lighting also provides a new way of displaying the state of a mobile device. Illumination is provided by a prototype rear of device shell which contains LEDs and requires the device to be placed on a surface, such as a table or desk. |