Publication Details
Sven Kratz, Michael Rohs, Felix Reitberger, Jörg Moldenhauer
Attjector: an Attention-Following Mobile Projector Kinect Workshop at Pervasive 2012 (bib) |
Mobile handheld projectors in small form factors, e.g. integrated into mobile phones, are getting more common. However, managing the projection puts a burden on the user as it requires holding the hand steady over an extended period of time and draws attention away from the actual task to solve. To address this problem we propose a body worn projector that follows the user's locus of attention. The idea is to take the user's hand and dominant fingers as an indication of the current locus of attention and focus the projection on that area. Technically, a wearable and steerable camera-projector system positioned above the shoulder tracks the fingers and follows their movement. In this paper, we justify our approach and explore further ideas on how to apply steerable projection for wearable interfaces. Additionally, we describe a Kinect-based prototype of the wearable and steerable projector system we developed. |