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Malin Eiband, Hanna Schneider, Daniel Buschek
Normative vs Pragmatic: Two Perspectives on the Design of Explanations in Intelligent Systems In Workshop on Explainable Smart Systems at IUI'18, Tokyo, Japan, March 7 - 11, 2018. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
This paper compares two main perspectives on explanations in intelligent systems: 1) A normative view, based on recent legislation and ethical considerations, which motivates detailed and comprehensive explanations of algorithms in intelligent systems. 2) A pragmatic view, motivated by benefits for usability and efficient use, achieved through better understanding of the system. We introduce and discuss design dimensions for explanations in intelligent systems and their desired realizations as motivated by these two perspectives. We conclude that while the normative view ensures a minimal standard as a right to explanation, the pragmatic view is likely the more challenging perspective and will benefit the most from knowledge and research in HCI to ensure a usable integration of explanations into intelligent systems and to work on best practices to do so. |