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Florian Alt, Lukas Ziegler
PD-Survey - Supporting Audience-Centric Research through Surveys on Public Display Networks In MM '17: Proceedings of the International 25th ACM Conference on Multimedia. Mountain View, CA, USA, October 23 - 27, 2017. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (bib) |
We present PD-Survey, a platform to conduct surveys across a network of interactive screens. Our research is motivated by the fact that obtaining and analyzing data about users of public displays requires significant effort; e.g., running long-term observations or post-hoc analyses of video/interaction logs. As a result, research is often constrained to a single installation within a particular context, neither accounting for a diverse audience (children, shoppers, commuters) nor for different situations (waiting vs. passing by) or times of the day. As displays become networked, one way to address this challenge is through surveys on displays, where audience feedback is collected in-situ. Since current tools do not appropriately address the requirements of a display network, we implemented a tool for use on public displays and report on its design and development. Our research is complemented by two in-the-wild deployments that (a) investigate different channels for feedback collection, (b) showcase how the work of researchers is supported, and (c) testify that the platform can easily be extended with novel features. |