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Florian Alt, Andreas Bungert, Bastian Pfleging, Albrecht Schmidt, Meindert Havemann
Supporting Children with Special Needs through Multi-Perspective Behavior Analysis In MUM '11: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. Beijing, China, December 7-9, 2011. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 81-84. ISBN 978-1-4503-1096-3. (bib) |
In past years, ubiquitous computing technologies have been successfully deployed for supporting children with special needs. One focus of current research has been on post-hoc behavior analysis based on video footage where one or multiple cameras were used to review situations in which children behaved in a certain way. As miniaturized cameras as well as portable devices are becoming available at low costs, we envision a new quality in supporting the diagnosis, observation, and education of children with special needs. In contrast to existing approaches that use cameras in fix locations, we suggest to use multiple mobile camera perspectives. In this way observation data from fellow classmates, teachers, and caregivers can be considered, even in highly dynamic outdoor situations. In this paper we present MuPerBeAn, a platform that allows multi-perspective video footage from mobile cameras to be collected, synchronously reviewed, and annotated. We report on interviews with caregivers and parents and present a qualitative study based on two scenarios involving a total of seven children with autism (CWA). Our findings show that observing multiple mobile perspectives can help children as well as teachers to better reflect on situations, particularly during education. |