2025 |
Laura Garcia
The Visual Identity of Embodied Conversational Agents for Therapy LLMs
master thesis, 23.09.2024 - 24.02.2025, Advisor: Luke Haliburton
2024 |
Marie Hensche
GymBuddy: Embedding Motivational Theories in Conversational AI Fitness Coaches
bachelor thesis, 10.04.2024 - 28.08.2024, Advisor: Bettina Eska, Luke Haliburton
Lennard Greve
Designing the "Ideal" Conversational AI: The Interplay of Anthropomorphism and Anonymity in Diverse Use Cases
master thesis, 16.01.2024 - 16.07.2024, Advisor: Luke Haliburton
Mark Shlyakhovetsky
AI-Assistance in the IDE: An Analysis of Prior Work, Patents, and Practitioners
bachelor thesis, 19.02.2024 - 08.07.2024, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Patricia Maier
An EEG Anaylsis of Mental Load while Reading AI-Generated Code
master thesis, 10.11.2023 - 10.05.2024, Advisor: Thomas Weber
2023 |
Marc-Michael Wendt
Large Language Models and Conversational AI: A Comparative Analysis of their Potentials, Challenges and Emerging Issues in the Context of Decision Support
master thesis, 11.07.2023 - 11.12.2023, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Felicitas Buchner
The Fine Line Between Assistance and Dependence: The Impact of Task Difficulty and AI Explanation on User Overreliance
master thesis, 10.03.2023 - 09.09.2023, Advisor: Tony Zhang
2022 |
Sven Tong
Is human overreliance on AI provoked by study designs?
master thesis, 16.05.2022 - 16.11.2022, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Alexander Zwermann
Designing and Evaluating a Sensor-Based Balance Assistant for Mountain Biking
master thesis, 21.03.2022 - 21.09.2022, Advisor: Bettina Eska
Caren Lam
Exploring Failure Factors for Data Science Projects
master thesis, 04.04.2022 - 05.09.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Jenny Phu
Supporting Decisions With AI: Exploring Alternatives to Fully Automatic Suggestions
master thesis, 31.01.2022 - 31.07.2022, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Yuliia Shaparenko
When do humans overrely on AI? Investigating the effect of task difficulty
bachelor thesis, 09.05.2022 - 18.07.2022, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Benedikt Werner
LEMON: Layer Explanation Model of Neural Networks
bachelor thesis, 11.11.2021 - 31.03.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Ludwig Felder
Explanatory Capacity of Model-Agnostic XAI Methods
bachelor thesis, 18.10.2021 - 07.03.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
Jannik Steenken
Explainable AI for experts - Starting Point or Solved Problem?
bachelor thesis, 13.09.2021 - 31.01.2022, Advisor: Thomas Weber
2021 |
Jessica Spornraft
Identifikation von Designmöglichkeiten für interaktive KI-Entscheidungsunterstützung
bachelor thesis, 10.05.2021 - 27.09.2021, Advisor: Tony Zhang
Barbarella Petz
User Preferences in Emotion-Aware Voice Interfaces
bachelor thesis, English, 23.10.2020 - 12.03.2021, Advisor: Yong Ma
2019 |
Luca Schellenberg
Spielbasierte Datenextraktion via Web-Tools zur Erstellung von Trainingsdaten für maschinelles Lernen
master thesis, German, 22.02.2019 - 30.08.2019, Advisor: Kai Holländer
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Squishy: Your Embodied AI Companion
BA/MA, Advisor: Maximiliane Windl
Multi-Language Computational Notebooks
master thesis, Advisor: Thomas Weber
How to trick AI - Examining users' coping strategies and mental models to avoid profiling by intelligent algorithms
BA/MA, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Anna Werner
How to trick AI - Observing users' coping strategies and mental models to influence personality perception by intelligent algorithms
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Bastian Wagner
Develop a Website for an Interdisciplinary Research Project
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel
Sophia Cook
When People and Algorithms Meet: Exploring Users' Experiences and the Need for Explanation in Intelligent Systems
master thesis, Advisor: Sarah Theres Völkel, Malin Eiband
Understanding the Sense of Ownership in Joint Human-AI Co-Creation
BT/MT, Advisor: Steeven Villa
Ismail Kosan
Development and Evaluation of a Group Mirror Framework for Brainstorming Sessions
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Sarah Tausch
Mareike Haug
Developing an Interactive Visualization of a Personal, Intelligent Training Plan
master thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Julian Fazekas-Con
Developing an Interactive Visualization of a Personal, Intelligent Training Plan
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Hanna Schneider
Felix Decher
Exploratory evaluation of EEG data from reading to detect gaps in second language vocabulary knowledge
bachelor thesis, English, Advisor: Christina Schneegass
Erkennung von Ironie in Filmen zur Kennzeichnung dieser in leichter Sprache
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
KI-basierte Bildgenerierung zur Unterstützung Leichter Sprache
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Entwicklung einer graphischen Oberfläche für KI-basierte Anwendungen im Filmschnitt
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Entwicklung einer graphischen Oberfläche für KI-basierte Anwendungen im Audio-Bereich
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe
Assessing Image Similarity via EEG
master thesis, Advisor: Teodora Mitrevska
Wireless Mesh Networking App
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Body- and Hand-Aware In-Environment Selection Techniques
BAMA, Advisor: Jan Leusmann, Prof. Dr. Sven Mayer
Michal Bednar
Air traffic on the Map: Online Visualization of Geospatial Moving Objects
diploma thesis, Advisor: Max Maurer
Rolf Königbauer
Using Brain Computer Interfaces for estimating the users comfort while using a head mounted display
BA/MA, Advisor: Christian Mai, Mariam Hassib
Martin Jaschkowitz
Exploring Novel Feedback Mechanisms for Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Dr. Mohamed Khamis, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Annika Voss
Unobtrusive Design for People with Visual Impairments
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Linda Hirsch,
Philipp Eiglsperger
Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials on High Frequency Displays for Interaction
BT/MT, Advisor: Mariam Hassib,
Philipp Eigelsperger
Implicit Audience Engagement Sensing Using Electroencephalography
project thesis, Advisor: Mariam Hassib, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Sabrina Gild
Detecting and influencing Emotions in the Car Using Psycho-physiological Sensors
master thesis, Advisor: Mariam Hassib, Bastian Pfleging, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Fabian Kahmann
Examining the Effects of Simulated Glaucoma on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jesse Grootjen
Fabian Kahmann
Examining the Effects of Simulated Glaucoma on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jesse Grootjen
Tobias Daniel
Investigating the Impact of Simulated Cataracts on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality (Using Machine Learning)
master thesis, Advisor: Jesse Grootjen
Sairam Yadla
Investigating the Impact of Simulated Age-Related Macular Degeneration on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality (Using Machine Learning)
bachelor thesis, Advisor: Jesse Grootjen
Examining the Effects of Simulated Glaucoma on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality (Using Machine Learning)
Investigating the Impact of Simulated Age-Related Macular Degeneration on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality
Louisa Bekker
Investigating the Impact of Simulated AMD on Driving Performance Metrics and Eye Movements
master thesis, Advisor: Jesse Grootjen
Karen Luna Samanez
Investigating the Impact of Simulated Cataracts on Driving Performance Metrics and Eye Movements
master thesis, Advisor: Jesse Grootjen
Investigating the Impact of Simulated Age-Related Macular Degeneration on Eye Movements in Virtual Reality (Using Machine Learning)
Onboarding Non-Users to Cryptocurrency
BA/MA, Advisor: Michael Froehlich
Towards Usable Blockchain Interfaces - Understanding Seed Phrase Storage in Practice
BA/MA, Advisor: Michael Froehlich
Towards Usable Blockchain Interfaces - Interaction Concepts for Key Management
BA/MA, Advisor: Michael Froehlich
AI-based avatars for Learning: Creating a powerful package for Unity
BT/MT, Advisor: Maximilian Fink
Model-based designing and testing of infotainment system HMIs (AUDI AG)
BA/MA/PA/DA, Advisor: Linshu Duan
Xinying He
Learning Motor Tasks by Instructing AI Agents in VR
master thesis, Advisor: Dennis Dietz, Luke Haliburton
Felicitas Buchner
Examining the Illusion of Explanatory Depth in Explainable Artificial Intelligence
PA/MA/BA, Advisor: Michael Chromik, Malin Eiband
Christoph Bessler
Framework for Designing a Fairness-Aware Algorithmic Decision-Making System
master thesis, Advisor: Michael Chromik
Fabian Hartmann
Time-constrained Access Control for Mobile Devices
master thesis, Advisor: Daniel Buschek, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Supporting Sustainable Consumption with a Self-Reflection Tool on one's Shopping Behavior's Environmental Impact
master thesis, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Olivér Palotás
Approximating the sustainability of behaviors using assessable personal data
BA/MA, Advisor: Florian Bemmann
Anh Dao Phuong
LLM for Counterfactual Explanation Generation
master thesis, Advisor: Rifat Amin
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Lukas Ziegler
Development of a Public Display Survey Platform
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Florian Hiemer
Enhancing Questionnaires based on Gaze Data
master thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Florian Alt
Analyzing Gaze Behavior to Enhance Questionnaires
master thesis