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Nađa Terzimehić, Carina Ressmann, Sven Mayer
Micro Real-World Challenges to Tackle Zoom Fatigue The Future of Hybrid Care and Wellbeing in HCI - CHI 2023 Workshop (bib) |
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of videoconferencing tools has massively increased. Yet, something about being in video conferences for a great amount of time makes us feel exhausted -- this is how the term Zoom fatigue kicked in. One way to tackle Zoom fatigue is to take regular off-screen breaks in the surrounding physical world. However, people are often not motivated to leave their screens or need help knowing what to do during their breaks. To encourage breaking out of the digital tunnel, we developed a set of 67 specific, short, and atypical micro-challenges to combat post-Zoom fatigue. As an initial step, we validated the challenges' potential to provide a refreshing break and enjoyment within university lectures held via Zoom. We inform future work by categorizing the challenges with HCI experts. |