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Henri Palleis, Mirjam Mickisch, Heinrich Hussmann
A Concept for 3D Interaction on a Curved Touch Display In Extended Abstracts of the 33rd SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '15. Seoul, Korea, April 18 - 23, 2015. ACM, New York, NY, USA. |
The handling of 3D content increasingly permeates amateur activities and occurs spontaneously on public displays. The design of interaction techniques for such scenarios is subject to tensions between established expert user interfaces, 3D touch interaction and the requirements of the usage context. We present a novel concept for 3D touch interaction on a curved display targeted at non-expert and spontaneous interaction scenarios. We further present preliminary results from an experiment, during which we compared our interaction technique with an established one for different 3D interaction tasks. The results indicate that for the chosen tasks both techniques perform equally well and point out room for further improvement. |