Exercise 9 - Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion 1 (MMI 1) 
Wintersemester 2008/09

Exercise 9 - MMI 1

Topic: Quantitative User Studies

17. Summary

a) Write a summary (100-200 words) of the lecture on "Implementing Interactive Systems" 

b) omitted this time :)

The URL for the videos has changed!

18. Student's T-Test

Student's t-test is a standard test for statistical significance. Your task is to apply the test to your results from the Steering Law test.
Determine whether the effect of movement direction on task completion time is statistically significant. Provide a short report (less than one page) containing a description of the test conditions, a box diagram of the task completion times for different movement directions and a statement on the statistical significance of the results.

19. Research Project:

For the remainder of the course you are to plan, conduct, and analyze your own quantitative user study. Pick one topic from those listed below. Your tasks are:
(until 19./21. January 2009)
(until 26./28. Janury 2009)
(until 2./4. February 2009)


Differences in SMS Typing Speed Between Touch Screen and Physical Buttons

Background: More and more mobile phones are equipped with touch screens instead of a key pad. While touch screens can offer optical and acoustical feedback, they lack tactile feedback.
Research Questions: Are on-screen buttons or physical buttons better suited for text/number entry on mobile phones? Can optical feedback reduce the error rate on touch screens? Is there a difference between multi-touch and T9?

Typing Speed Comparison for On-Screen Keyboard versus Physical Keyboard in Mixed Tasks

Background: Interactive surfaces are mostly used for pointing tasks. Typing on an on-screen keyboard is seen as tedious. It is reasonably sure that typing on a physical keyboard is faster than typing on an on-screen keyboard. However, does this also hold true for mixed pointing/typing tasks like selecting and annotating objects?
Research Questions: What is the overhead of switching between keyboard and mouse? What is the overhead of using the fingers alternatingly for typing on the on-screen keyboard and pointing?

Effect of Direction on Path Following Speed

Background: The previous experiments on the Steering Law suggested that there is an effect of movement direction on task completion time.
Research Questions: Is there indeed a significant effect? Is the effect independent of input device (mouse/pen) and scale (hand/arm)?

Effect of Screen Size on Panning Performance

Background: When displaying large images on small displays, pan+zoom or pan+minimap are common interfaces.
Research questions: What effect has display size in relation to image size? Is panning on a large touch-screen easier than on a small one?

Effect of Input Device on Panning Performance

Background: When panning an image on screen with a mouse, there is no direct input. Panning the image with a finger or stylus obscures some of the screen.
Research Questions: Is panning an image with a mouse faster than with a touch screen?

Quasi-Simultaneous Interaction Using Mouse and Touch Screen

Background: Mouse and touch screen are two pointing devices with different characteristics. Usually only one of them is used, depending on setting.
Research Questions: Is a combination of mouse and touch screen suitable for certain pointing tasks (e.g. coarse positiong by touch, fine positioning using the mouse)? Is the combination faster that touch screen or mouse alone?


Submit your solution via UniWorx.
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Deadline: Monday, 19.01.2009, 09:00 (UTC+1)