Exercise 10 - Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion 1 (MMI 1)
Wintersemester 2008/09
Exercise 10 - MMI 1
Topic: Quantitative User Studies
20. Presentation
You have to present first findings of your user study in the tutorials
(26./28. January). Please document research goals,
hypotheses, study setup, prototype, and first results in a
Powerpoint/PDF presentation. Prepare a talk of about 10 minutes. Hand
in a PDF version of the slides until Monday.
Submit your solution via UniWorx.
Unless otherwise specified, all files have to be either Adobe PDF or
UTF-8 plain text. All other files will be automatically deleted.
Please put all files belonging to one sub-task of this assignment into
sub-folder inside the
ZIP file.
UniWorx will tell you about missing files. Some files may be marked as
"unerwartet" - this is ok.
Do not use any other directory layout.
Monday, 26.01.2009,
09:00 (UTC+1)