@inproceedings{oechsner2022challenges, title = {Challenges and Opportunities of Cooperative Robots as Cooking Appliances}, author = {Carl Oechsner and Sven Mayer and Andreas Butz}, year = {2022}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 Workshop on Engaging with Automation}, series = {AutomationXP22}, url = {https://sven-mayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/oechsner2022challenges.pdf}, date = {2022-04-30}, abstract = {Robots allow humans to offload repetitive tasks to be executed with high precision. However, when we enter the space of collaboration with robots, this opens up the great potential to directly support humans. In the future, we envision that cooperative robots are integrated into kitchens as every other cooking appliance. In this work, we present several scenarios where the robot supports the human in the kitchen. We then outline the opportunities of cooperative robots in kitchens and the challenges that such a setup brings.}, keywords = {assistive system, cobot} }